Madrid, 22nd July 1988, Pink Floyd in concert.
After the concert the band had
left the stage, to the tribute to the local missing: "Oh Madrid". Later
that night, the band return to the stage, and they play songs that are
not from the Pink Floyd back catalogue (I believe that they were rhythm
& blues).
David Gilmour ascends to the
stage with a borrowed guitar; he breaks the guitar strap. So, he finds
a clothes line (the plastic covered ropes that one uses to hang clothes
out to dry) that he ties onto the guitar to use as a substitute guitar
strap. And it was caught on camera!
These three pictures were shown
in a Spanish magazine called Popular 1 (issues from 1988 and 1994), and
one of them shows Guy Pratt as well as David. Our thanks to Alberto for
sending this over...
