Our friends over at Floydstuff.com
ran their second annual poll of Pink Floyd related items - your chance
to vote for your favourite (and least favourite) things of 2005, whilst
standing a chance of winning a nice prize.
The results were announced
yesterday, and make for interesting reading, not just because many of
you were kind enough to vote for Brain Damage as your favourite Floyd
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We came a very decisive first, with 78.3% of the votes, with
our sister site, A Fleeting Glimpse coming in second place! Our thanks to all of you who voted!
The full results of the poll, which can be found here give a good idea of what you liked and didn't like last year, and your hopes for this year.
Your favourite Floyd related
event of 2005 was clearly Live 8, with only 0.3% of people NOT voting
for this! The lack of PULSE DVD in 2005 was the biggest gripe, with
46.9% showing their feelings, and 25.6% disappointed that no Pink Floyd
reunion tour was announced.
Turning to releases, the Live 8
DVD was the favourite of many (38.9%), with the Ca Ira CD/DVD set close
behind (23.3%) and Nick Mason's Inside Out book in third place (19.2%).
The audiobook version of Inside Out also figured, reaching fifth place.
Looking to the future, it is
clear what most are wishing for, with a Pink Floyd reunion tour (52.5%)
and album (12.3%) heading the list, closely followed by the heavily
anticipated David Gilmour concerts in March - May this year (10.1%).
One wonders how many of the top ten wishes for 2006 will come true by
the end of the year!
FloydStuff.com is an online mail
order company specializing in Pink Floyd CDs, DVDs, Records,
Memorabilia, and more, and has been running since 1997. Their catalogue
runs to some 1,000 items!