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Home arrow 2011 WALL TOUR arrow May 12th - O2 ARENA, GREENWICH, LONDON, ENGLAND
02 arena
Roger Waters O2 ticket May 2011

Capacity: 23,000
Concert starts: 8pm

Address of venue: Peninsula Square, London, SE10 0DX. MAP




Another night of Roger's residency at The O2 Arena in London. He last played here in 2008, to much acclaim, and clearly it was a more attractive choice of venue than Earls Court, which was host to the original Wall shows when they were in London. Our thanks to Chris Thompson for the ticket scan to the right.

The presales began the week starting Monday, May 31st, with advance tickets available to those who had registered their interest in particular cities. For those with a UK O2 mobile phone, there is a special presale starting on June 2nd through General sale tickets go on sale on June 4th through this direct link to The public sale will also see a limited number of VIP packages made available for each show on the tour.

SET LIST - highlight the following with your mouse to read...
FIRST HALF: In the Flesh, The Thin Ice, Another Brick in the Wall Part 1, The Happiest Days of our Lives, Another Brick in the Wall Part 2, Mother, Goodbye Blue Sky, Empty Spaces, What Shall We Do Now, Young Lust, One of My Turns, Don't Leave Me Now, Another Brick in the Wall Part 3, The Last Few Bricks, Goodbye Cruel World
Hey You, Is There Anybody Out There?, Nobody Home, Vera, Bring the Boys Back Home, Comfortably Numb (with David Gilmour), The Show Must Go On, In The Flesh, Run Like Hell, Waiting for the Worms, Stop, The Trial, Outside the Wall (with David Gilmour and Nick Mason).



Do not read on if you don't want surprises to be spoilt, regarding what the band played, and what happened as the night unfolded!

Night twenty-nine of the tour, and a blessing that there's an evening off now, so that all concerned can catch their breath after a truly stunning evening. Despite a fairly reserved start, the audience soon warmed up, helped by the official confirmation that quickly spread around the arena of this night being "the night". Yes, it was tonight that saw David Gilmour repaying the favour to Roger after he took part in the Hoping Foundation charity event last year, by performing a stunning Comfortably Numb atop the wall. Unlike all the other Wall shows, David very ably handled the vocals as well as a blistering solo, much to the delight of the crowd. Here's the official footage from the night:

Rumours that he'd be bringing his guitar work to Run Like Hell proved unfounded, but if the crowd thought that they'd seen the last of David, Outside The Wall proved them wrong! Making for a very moving sight, David and Roger greeted each other as Roger thanked him for taking part. Then, to add further to the special nature of the night, Nick Mason was called to join them. As you'll see from the pictures on this site, Roger played his trusty trumpet, David a mandolin, and Nick a tamborine!

Roger Waters - O2 Arena, London, 12th May 2011 Roger Waters - O2 Arena, London, 12th May 2011 Roger Waters - O2 Arena, London, 12th May 2011
Roger Waters - O2 Arena, London, 12th May 2011 Roger Waters - O2 Arena, London, 12th May 2011 Roger Waters - O2 Arena, London, 12th May 2011
  Roger Waters and David Gilmour - London's O2 Arena, May 12th 2011  

A wonderful way to conclude such a great show - a show that boasted a number of familiar faces in the audience, including Gerald Scarfe and Jane Asher amongst others. Truly a one-off event, it'll stay in the minds of those present for years to come.

As always, we welcome your views on the evening...and to kick these off, a couple of video clips for you, of the full performance of Comfortably Numb, and the finale:


I was following Polly Samson on Twitter and she commented commenting a.) she was taking photos at tonight's gig, like last night and b.) she had been polishing her other half's mandolin. I checked Neptune Pink Floyd and they all said that he'd been practising with the band this afternoon. I then went on Gumtree, found two tickets but they were in Brighton.

I got a train from Victoria to Brighton and did the exchange in 6 minutes and got the train back to London just in time.

I managed to call a mate who joined me at Waterloo to go to the O2. By the time of the second half, I was almost bouncing with excitement. Comfortably Numb started and suddenly I caught the sight of Dave's guitar and just lost it.

Yes he was on top of the wall, he sang, he played both solos and he bloody rocked!! I think I never need to see any music again because Comfortably Numb's guitar solo played by Dave Gilmour wins over everything else.

Then for the final song, Nick Mason came on stage on played percussion on Outside the Wall. Thus ends a phenomenal night.


Roger Waters - O2 London, 12th May 2011 Roger Waters - O2 London, 12th May 2011 Roger Waters - O2 London, 12th May 2011
Roger Waters - O2 London, 12th May 2011 Roger Waters - O2 London, 12th May 2011 Roger Waters - O2 London, 12th May 2011
Roger Waters - O2 London, 12th May 2011 Roger Waters - O2 London, 12th May 2011 Roger Waters - O2 London, 12th May 2011



As I am sure you have heard by now, apart from an amazing show by Roger at the O2 the icing on the cake was seeing Dave Gilmour playing Comfortably Numb and then at the end, also witnessing Nick Mason on stage with Roger. All 3 remaining members of Floyd in one place! I genuinely believe that Roger was overawed by it all, and my girlfriend was very moved by the whole experience.


We were at the 12 May concert; seated very close to the stage on the far right. It meant our view of the stage was partially restricted by some damn wall, but we did get a good view of the 'swan's legs' - watching the guys getting the bricks together, and other off stage activities. I spotted that there was no camera on the tracks in front of the stage; so I 'knew' Gilmour wouldn't be playing.

The show was fabulous; from the opening fireworks (which almost showered us!), the massive teacher, the crashing airplane, the massive mother...etc.

But during the interval, the camera appeared; and in the second half, just as Comfortably Numb was due to start, there was a surge forward, from those who'd been keeping an eye on Twitter. From where we were, we could just see Gilmour's white head above the wall, but we could hear that voice and guitar. The crowd had been hugely enthusiastic, but now everything went to a new level. The sound in the O2 was great, and the solo fantastic.

Then towards the end of the show, just down beside me, a couple of feet away, we could see the band members getting ready to come back on stage; and there was David, talking to Jon Carin about his guitar. We were so busy watching them, we nearly forgot about the wall; but as it started tottering it pulled us back to the show. when a wall that size collapses a few feet away from you, you do tend to notice.

Then when David and Roger hugged, and when 'by chance' Nick joined them on started to realise you were never going to see a better conncert than this. It stopped being a show, and started to be a huge celebration. Roger said how happy he was to be on stage with these guys...well, we were pretty happy too!

The concert itself was superb. But the addition of David and Nick just took it into a different universe.

Roger Waters, O2 London 12th May 2011CONCERT PICTURES by BD CONTRIBUTOR, Jen

BD contributor Jen attended the show, and has uploaded some great, close-up photos to flickr. You can see them through this direct link, and an example can be seen by clicking the adjacent thumbnail.


I am a london cab driver and on wednesday 11th may I had to pick up a customer from Bellamys Restaurant in Bruton Place. When I arrived who should be standing outside but Mr David Gilmour himself. This was too good an opportunity to miss so I plucked up courage to ask for an autograph. I thanked him and told him I was going to see his old sparrng partner at the 02 the next day. He looked at me quizzically and softly said "very wise"! The rest is history. Thought you and your readers might be interested.


Roger Waters - O2 London 12th May 2011 Roger Waters - O2 London 12th May 2011 Roger Waters - O2 London 12th May 2011
Roger Waters - O2 London 12th May 2011 Roger Waters - O2 London 12th May 2011 Roger Waters - O2 London 12th May 2011



After a brilliant night last night I have been wondering - how many Dads like me who saw the original Wall show have been lucky enough to see David appear with Roger last night with their son, as I have (David, aged 18 as I was when I saw them)?

I don't think it can be many as there was only 1 show this time and a handful last time. My son is a huge Roger fan (plays all the Floyd songs, on Basss, and Piano) and neither of us could believe we were lucky enough to see that emotional reuniting last night.


When will David Gilmour be knighted for his services to the musical well-being of millions the world-over? As a perennial curmudgeon of this parish, even I was moved to an emotional high as I stood before this Goliath of an unassuming gentleman.

I had previously not been too-fussed about going to see this tour, still being in awe of the original shows I saw in 80/81, but by Monday morning temptation proved too much and a visit to viagogo informed me that for £50 (for a £75 ticket!) Wednesday was available and I could have a seat in Block A3, with no seat specified. Well, knock me down with a feather when I got row B right by the centre aisle. One in the eye for those shameful greedy sods on eBay looking in excess of £300 for similar seats.

The prime seat also allowed me to briefly encounter Polly Samson, whom I can only say is delightful and a lovely sight to behold - no wonder Dave Gilmour is a happy chap. I asked her if he was playing that night (Wednesday) to which she said no. I then asked her which night DG was playing, to which her response was "no chance". It was down therefore to a trusty old friend on the crew who had in his hand a piece of paper which he'd just been handed, advising that 2pm the following day, there would be a rehearsal with the man himself.

No choice then later Wednesday night, but to have another visit to the very same website (no promotion intended), which amazingly revealed seats in A3 again, for £60.00. I duly coughed up for two. Next day my brother collected them and the excited call came through - same place, but this time - ROW A. The rest of the evening is already well-documented by others. But for me, being so close to the re-union triumvirate was genuinely quite touching.

I did notice tears in some of those around me and Mr Waters himself. From the beginning of my first hearing Ummagumma in Arles in 1975, my Pink Floyd experience is now truly complete.


I had a strange dream last night. I dreamt I was at the O2 seeing Roger - then David came on stage, and later on, Nick as well, carrying a tambourine that looked like Michael Schumacher's steering wheel....wasn't it fantastic!!!!! We were in the 2nd row from the front and when the spotlight went on the wall the place erupted...mind you that seat was great for the finale. Also the look on Rogers face during C Numb he was smiling like mad but a bit taken aback by the total reaction.

Seeing those three together at the end was really the final line up of Pink Floyd mark 2 as in The Final Cut.

The whole show was fantastic; GE Smith's playing was brilliant, Robbie's vocals especially on Young Lust, Harry's playing on Goodbye Blue Sky, the puppets, the backdrop, all amazing. I'm still pinching myself.

Right at the end when Roger just had Nick and David on stage when he said 'And goodnight from us' and they walked off together...not like Live 8 when Roger seemed left in the lurch!!! Okay these guys might not play together again but I hope they realise how much everyone loves them performing live even if its just a back catalogue like Eric Clapton...but Roger put so much work into this on stage as even though 'the band was just fantastic' the majority of the vocals and acting was down to Roger. And yes seeing the three of them together at the end was a bit sad cos we know there should have been four (Rick still sadly missed)....

Looking forward to Tuesday (we can relax now!!!)...we then have the front row so will try not to get buried under the bricks!!!... Pink Floyd: a bit like buses; you wait for years then three turn up at the same time!!!


I bought 2 tickets through the pre-sale. Under normal circumstances I'd have been well chuffed to have block A1/row J/seats 10+11, but due to that wretched wall I couldn't see Dave, Graham, Snowy (is that his real name?), or Roger when they were performing behind the "yet to be fully built wall". There must have been a (door there in the wall, lol) wicked sweet spot up the centre of the arena. I took my 10 year old son. He was buzzing his little head off... It hit him as He walked through the upper level entrance... He's never been to a concert before, so just the sheer size of the arena as He entered it frazzed His little brain. He was already shaking, then nearly swallowed his own face when he saw how near to the stage we were. A guy behind me actually told my son how lucky he was to be at a Floyd/Waters gig. I agreed.

Well there's not much I could say about D.G. popping his head over the top of the wall that already hasn't been said. I would never have expected him to turn up on a Thursday(!). I was convinced he would appear at the last gig on the 18th... I wonder if he attended the previous night to "get a feel for it", then just said he'd do the next one. Anyway, I was fiddling with my camera when he appeared from nowhere... I was alerted to his attendance By a monstrous roar which sounded like an enormous fireball approaching the stage from the rear of the arena. The crowd went apeshit... Even Roger appeared to exhibit some Gilmour glee.

Unfortunately, I don't remember much more due to being a little intoxicated. Good job I'm going on the 17th and 18th too :D

I have to admit though... I much preferred Roger's DSOTM tour. I much prefer to see Roger with his Black Fender Precision in his hands, roaming around the stage as opposed to acting and playing the roles within The Wall.

Still fuckin' loved it though! :D


Roger Waters - London O2, 12th May 2011 Roger Waters - London O2, 12th May 2011 Roger Waters - London O2, 12th May 2011
Roger Waters - London O2, 12th May 2011
Roger Waters - London O2, 12th May 2011
Roger Waters - London O2, 12th May 2011
Roger Waters - London O2, 12th May 2011 Roger Waters - London O2, 12th May 2011
Roger Waters - London O2, 12th May 2011


YOUR HELP NEEDED! We want to cover Roger's concerts the best we can, to share the experience with everyone, especially those who won't be able to attend the shows. We'd love to see ANY pictures, tickets scans, reviews, newspaper reports, and anything else you come across for this show - we look forward to hearing from you!

Last Updated ( Monday, 30 May 2011 )
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