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Home arrow Roger Waters 2007 arrow May 5th - GELREDOME, ARNHEM, NETHERLANDS
gelredome ticket

Capacity: 35,000

Concert starts: 7.30pm

Address of venue: Batavierenweg 25, 6841 HN Arnhem, Netherlands.  MAP


Tickets for this concert went on sale on November 3th, through the venue,, and other normal agents. All tickets are now sold out.

Our thanks to Bert Stronks and Jan van Grootel for the ticket scan shown to the right.


SET LIST - highlight the following with your mouse to read...
FIRST HALF: In The Flesh, Mother, Set The Controls For the Heart Of The Sun, Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Have A Cigar, Wish You Were Here, Southampton Dock, The Fletcher Memorial Home, Perfect Sense parts 1 and 2, Leaving Beirut, Sheep.
Dark Side of the Moon. ENCORE: The Happiest Days Of Our Lives, Another Brick In The Wall (Pt 2), Vera, Bring the Boys back Home, Comfortably Numb.




Do not read on if you don't want surprises to be spoilt, regarding what the band played!

The final show in mainland Europe went as well as the preceeding shows, giving all those who made the journey to the Gelredome a real treat!

The band now travel to the UK for the home leg of the tour, playing four shows across the country, and then a quick hope over the water to Ireland. If you are going to any of these have a great time - might even see you there!

For a great review of the evening, which goes into much detail, check out this entry from the blog of our friend, Irwan Sampurna.

CONCERT REVIEW - by BD contributer, Ron Oud

Last night was great at the Gelredome, even a better show than last year in Rotterdam on the 7th of July. A special evening then as we afterwards heard the news about Syd.

This year better lightning effects and great camerawork was to be seen on the videoscreens.

Roger and band were playing the well known set of numbers and the crowd had a wonderful time.

GREAT!! Can't wait for the DVD or a new album.

CONCERT PICTURES - courtesy of BD contributer,'s Charles Beterams

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CONCERT REVIEW - by BD contributer, Johan Banis

I went to see Roger Waters' show in Gelredome, Netherlands. It is the third time to see Roger: 2002, 2006 and now 2007.

Things have grown over the years. Roger has grown, mentally. He seems much more natural, open, friendly.

What also grew is his urge to deliver the message. Nowadays he is much more outspoken than he was years ago. Of course there has always been a lot of content in his shows, but this weeks show is heavily politically loaded. It is a political statement, nicely wrapped in beautifull sound and vision. You may, or may not like this, but you should not think that you are going to see and hear just a concert. I am fully with Roger, mind you, I share his points of view. There were members of the audience that did not: I've seen people shake their heads in disagreement.

Apart from this all: it was a great show. Same tracklist as before, other ambiance. No huge effects, but merely impressive effects. Soapbubbles and confetti dwirrling down on us, an astronaut and a pig floating nicely over our heads, nice projections on a big screen and -oh miracle- a giant, colourful prism high above.

The band is just fantastic and that is really what I think. I am getting used to Kilminster-the-showman; Snowy is just great, as is mr. Fairweather Low and mr. Carin. Carin sings nicely on Us and Them, in a slow way. Don't know how to explain, but he sings like dr. Hannibal Lecter used to talk. Slow words.

And of course the girls! They really stand out on DSOTM and on Perfect Sense.

Also very nice is the duo-solo by Dave Kilminster and Snowy White. They both play lead guitar on Time, simultaneously and completely in sync! Very nice.

In last years' review I stated that mr. Waters et al should not play Comfortably Numb as the final encore. I still stand by this opinion. This song is too Gilmourian, no matter how Kilminster and White do their best.

All in all: a great show, by a great band and a great man.

CONCERT PICTURES - courtesy of BD contributer, Lisette Koopmans

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CONCERT REVIEW - by BD contributer, Pascal

Last Saturday, on May 5th, we went to our 3rd concert from Rogers tour. It was a nice warm day. Four friends jumped in their car at 14.30h to have great time in Arnhem. We arrived at the stadium around 16.30h, and saw that the flame-pipes (for the pyrotechnics) weren't there!

Right above our heads there was hanging a piece of equipment, that was unknown to us..a triangle formed piece.

Time passed, and at 19.45h an animation started on the big screen. A short clip about the wall, which is build in Palestina (like the former Berlin wall). After this, the screen turned back to the old radio picture, and 10 minutes before the show, the picture "came alive", smoke was curling up, a hand touched the radio and started dialing to different radio stations. The person took some whiskey and used the bottle. Really nice done. The Gelredome lights faded out, the screen had our concentration. In the dark, we could see entering the band on stage and a huge applause arose.

Then a radio dj started giving commentary to a match and his talking went up to a climax, and on the background the sound of in the flesh started. On the first notes fireworks cracked, from above and below! The show had started.

It was a superb show, lights, musicians, all very well done. Although we had seen the show already twice there were noticeable differences in the new 2007 tour show:
- more new clips on the background of the old bedroom and person who used the radio
- the flying pig during Sheep was added incl the green papersnippets
- the bubbles during Shine on.
- and of course the prism and lasers
- the clip of the corona during Set the controls is great!

We were about 10 meters from Roger and sadly his lipsyncin' isn't perfect! Without doubt I can say that he definitely did not sung live: Have a cigar and Sheep. Also Jon Carin wasn't good by voice, like he had smoked 3 packets of cigarettes before entering the stage!

Highlights were : Sheep, perfect sense, set the controls.., and the encores, I really like "Vera and Bring the boys.", I remember myself in Berlin 1990, and projected on the wall (200 meters wide) BRING THE BOYS BACK HOME..still gives me goosebumps.

The triangle equipment was of course the prism. Unlucky we were right under it, so the effect was not very visible, but the downloaded videoclips of different cell phones were looking fabulous.

I still wonder why they only play the "short" version of SOYCD, I have to listen to my bootleg from 2002, I thought, then they played the complete song, but I could be wrong. I think Dave Kilminster can handle the guitar solo's.

We had a terrific evening and I'm convinced that this was the last time we saw Roger live. After all I can say that I've seen the show 3 times.

Thank you Roger and band for giving us an unforgettable great evening in Holland again, thank you very much!

Last Updated ( Thursday, 19 July 2007 )
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