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Home arrow Roger Waters 2007 arrow June 1st - WACHOVIA CENTER, PHILADELPHIA, PA, USA

Capacity: TBC

Concert starts: 8pm

Address of venue: 3601 South Broad St, Philadelphia, PA 19145.  MAP


wachovia_brick_smallTickets for this concert went on sale on February 17th at 10am EST, and pretty much sold out instantly.

A second night was therefore added for Roger to play at the venue on June 2nd... tickets for this went on sale the same day (February 17th) at 12pm EST.

To see a quite unusual promotional item for this show (a large concrete brick!) click here!


SET LIST - highlight the following with your mouse to read...
FIRST HALF: In The Flesh, Mother, Set The Controls For the Heart Of The Sun, Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Have A Cigar, Wish You Were Here, Southampton Dock, The Fletcher Memorial Home, Perfect Sense parts 1 and 2, Leaving Beirut, Sheep.
Dark Side of the Moon. ENCORE: The Happiest Days Of Our Lives, Another Brick In The Wall (Pt 2), Vera, Bring the Boys back Home, Comfortably Numb.


Do not read on if you don't want surprises to be spoilt, regarding what the band played!

The first of two show in Philadelphia, before the tour reaches Canada, for the first of eight shows in the country.

Roger, clearly in a great mood, took time out before the show to take part in a local baseball game.

Prior to the first of the two shows, Roger appeared at the San Francisco Giants v. Philadelphia Phillies baseball game, and he threw out the first, ceremonial pitch (making a good job of it, according to those who were there).

The commentator at the game, Dan Baker, noted that he was "pitching from the Dark Side of the Mound"... The picture to the right below shows Roger with the Phillie Phanatic, the team's legendary mascot.

Our thanks in particular to Pete Smith and Tim Moyer for their help with this information.

roger pitching roger and mascot

CONCERT REVIEW - by BD contributer, Tony Morelli

Saw Roger last night at the Wachovia -- also saw him in September 2006, and provided a review.  Overall, I'd say this show was better, which is saying quite a lot.  Firstly, the Wachovia Center is far superior to the Tweeter Center.  Secondly, the band demonstrated that all the shows they performed since then and now really tightened them up.  Dave K. was incredible -- really, every band member performed with excellence -- every one.

On several occassions Roger stopped to thank the crowd -- this crowd was one of the best I've seen at a concert, and put the Tweeter crowd to shame...  Of course, there was a 5% exodus when The Final Cut songs kicked in, but otherwise the crowd had it right.  "Wish You Were Here" was particularly sweet -- Roger dropped the "I Wish THAT You Were Here" as he's done in the past.

Oh, and one of the great things about the Wachovia is that before the show, at the Cingular bar/pavillion they were serving "Comfortably Numb" drinks (SoCo and cranberry, very yummy) and "Us and Them Tonic" (which had vodka in them, not sure what else, but were terrible -- I switched back to the Comfortably Numb!).  Better yet, all throughout the bar they had widescreen TVs showing The Wizard of Oz timed to DSOTM.  That was good fun.

Back to the show though, it was truly excellent, it is such a polished show with so much to enjoy.  It's really a remarkable production and anyone who has the opportunity to see this genius perform his masterpieces live should not pass it by.

CONCERT REVIEW - by BD contributer, Stephen Cerone

Last year I saw Roger's show at the Tweeter Center in Camden and was happy that he played inside at the Wachovia Center this time around. Better sound reproduction and no worries about the weather!

I brought my 11 year old son with me to his first concert and both he and I had a great time. Many people mentioned that a Floyd-related concert was certainly a great way to be initiated into the concert-going experience.

The song list is, of course, set in stone. And since it's listed in the program, you know they're going to stick to it. I have to admit I was a little disappointed that we wouldn't be hearing anything different from last year's show. Plus I would think it would get boring playing the same songs, night after night, month after month. However, it's certainly a strong set list, so this is a minor concern.

I thought Leaving Beirut was more positively received this time around. Perhaps this was due to the "comic strip" that accompanied it (I don't recall that last year), which helped explain the song.

The floating astronaut and the pig were cool. But the special effect highlight for us was the 3-D prism with the white light shining from one end and the rainbow of colors coming from the other. Very impressive!

I'm still amazed how much better I like On The Run and Any Colour You Like in concert than on the record, er, CD (showing my age there). And I love the space station with the red light blinking in time to the heartbeat at the beginning and end of Dark Side. I'm also very glad he plays Sheep on this tour because I feel Animals is very underrated.

The band Roger has backing him is top notch and did another outstanding job.

My one major pet peeve involves something that happens on the big screen before the concert even begins. And I realize I'm going to be in the minority on this. The "radio" is playing and different songs come on. At one point, some ABBA songs start and the "guy" changes the station in rapid succession. I know it's very unusual to count both ABBA and Pink Floyd as favorites. But with me, that's the case. And this blatant dissing of ABBA really kind of annoyed me. Since Roger feels that a major failure in the world right now is the way some governments are very unfair to other people in the world, I don't think it's fair for him to pick on another band like that. Just a minor detail, but one I feel compelled to include.

That aside, it was a very enjoyable evening and Roger seemed to appreciate the warm response he got from the Philly crowd. I'm impressed that the demand for tickets was such that a second show was added.

I'd like to mention that I purchased the Tour Program this time around and it's very well done. The interview certainly provides some insight into Roger's thinking and the pictures are gorgeous.

Here's hoping we'll see Roger again soon and that, perhaps next time, he'll have a new album to promote...maybe with the other three? Hey, I can dream, can't I?

CONCERT REVIEW - both nights in Philadelphia - by BD contributer, Ralph

Hi everyone. Well ...just got home last night from Philly. Gonna do my best for reviews. Once again no internet in the hotel so I just gathered my thoughts for the last few days. For me the story begins on last Wednesday the 30th. I woke up with a huge pain in my kidneys. I babied myself all day figuring it would go away, didn't want anything to ruin the weekend. Thursday it got worse and I was rushed to the hospital. YES THE DAY BEFORE I WAS SUPPOSED TO FLY OUT TO PHILLY. I was laid up in the Emergency room. Passed a Kidney stone!!!! My father had them and so I was always leery of getting it, just not the day before my trip to Philly which can't be cancellend or rescheduled and I'm only 33 too young for a Kidney stone. I couldn't even give my tickets away at that point. SO I was staring up at the ceiling unable to move or walk for that matter and in screaming pain. I told my wife "there is no way they are keeping me overnight I'm getting on that plane no matter what". I was a little delirious I think :-). But yes I was ready to rip out the IV and all their wires and walk out with my little apron on. That was my biggest fear in the hospital... being told I had to stay. They finally let me out of there once they were done with all their testing gave me a bunch of medicine and referred me to a specialist. It took all day, I finally got home late at night... So even though I was in a lot of pain and could barely walk I could still make the show. My only worry was that I could actually enjoy the weekend and not fight the pain the whole time. What a shit thing to happen before my dream trip.

Onto Philly. Smooth only 2 hour flight from West Palm. I found Philly to be a very dirty and unfriendly city. The people that live there have a chip on their shoulder and act that way ALL THE TIME. Being nice to them only makes them snear at you harder. I only met 3 nice people in the 3 days I was there and it turns out they were all from Florida.....HA HA... Small world. I couldn't walk more than a few steps without pain so our attempt to sight see didn't work out so well cause I couldn't walk. Was able to see the city and sights a bit until I couldn't take the walking pain no more. I did get an authentic cheese steak and what they say about them is true for sure. I had no idea Rog was gonna throw out the first pitch otherwise I would have bought a bleecher ticket just to get in. The stadiums are all in the same lot. Enough with the set-up now for the shows...

Night 1.....Great Crowd. Our seats were dead center to Rogs' mic once again but this time in the 16th row. I always shop for seats dead center to mic in the front sec. I will say that the indoor venue definitely works better for this 2007 version of the show. The crowd was superb and we all know this would be the same area that the Camden show was last year so what was to happen during LB this time? Rog was very nervous the first night before the LB speech he kinda fluffed everyone up and buttered us up before the speech saying how great Philly is and all that. He couldn't easily hide his nervous tension, even studdered a sec.. You could tell he was hoping it wouldn't happen again, and it didn't. The crowd went wild for the song and Rog was touched. The next night he wasn't nervous at all and just went right into the LD speech). The show was excellent!!!! Very tight and oh so moving. These shows are over way too fast. The Pig I will add seems to be a great deal smaller indoors than it was in West Palm and Tampa. West Palm and Tampa had gigantic enormous pigs compared to this indoor one. But the pig was controled by remote so it's better for the show. The spaceman also remote controlled and they start that from the rear of the venue. So if you don't look behind you it's on top of you before you know it. The Prism is working perfectly now like it should and before you know it show 1 is over and we are on our way to the trains.

Show 2.....This night is one of the greatest nigts of my life up to this point... 3rd row dead center to Rogs' mic once again. This show went off even better than the night before. This show was unreal... superb... outrageous... fantastic, please choose one or all of those words. I'll never again sit anywhere but the first 5 rows EVER again... whatever the cost. I've sat front row center twice in my life and this was just almost as good. One thing about reviews I hate is that you can't ever describe the actual feeling of being there so I can't even try. It was life changing it was that damn itch that finally was scratched. I was able to connect personally with Rog, Snowy and Ian, and it's quite a feeling, one that you can't put a price on. I had a crappy throw away camera so once I get it develped I'll try to post pics. I can't go through and describe the whole show. I'm not gonna get into what mistakes were made. The mistakes don't matter what really matters is what kind of people are sitting around you. That can actually make or break your show. There was a guy behind us in the 4th row who felt the need to call every friend in his address book to tell them that he was in the fourth row. Finally during STCFTHOTS I had to turn around and snear at him to get him off the phone. This is not like me to do, but I guess that Philly attitude had rubbed off on me already. He deserved it anyway there was about 10 of us that wanted to, finally I just did it. All in all I been to 4 shows on the 07 tour, 3 shows on the 06 tour and this was the best of the best for me. It was the total package. A close second would be Tampa, 3rd would be the 1st Philly show and lastly West Palm. The West Palm show was the only show of the 4 that went off without a hitch though but that don't matter to me at all. The only way I'd ever go back to Philly is to see another show but even then it would have to be my only choice to get me back to that rude terrible unfriendly city. I've been to nearly every major city in the US and Philly is King of the bottom although Atlanta runs a close second. No wonder it only cost me $45 each way on the plane. Can't pay people to go there.

I feel very satisfied after the 4th show. If I can't make it to another one on this tour it doesn't matter to me. I feel complete, I feel refreshed, I feel renewed. All because of the 4th show. I can't stress enough that you should spend the bucks to get the good seats (5rows) otherwise the further back you are the easier it is for the fans around you to ruin your show. That's all I have for now. All you lucky ones that still get to enjoy the last 6 weeks of this tour... Good luck and God Bless you all... Now I must go tend to my pains and recovery...

CONCERT REVIEW - by BD contributer, Will Taber

I attended the shows on both June 1 and June 2.  I did not attend the Phillies game, but I listened to radio reports on the way to the concert Friday night (June 1).  The station (102.9, WMGK) reported the Phillies appearance (see above) and also added that after the pitch, Roger went to the side of the field and caught, autographed and returned balls thrown to him from the stands.  He reportedly also wore a number 10 Phillies jersey for his appearance at the Phillies game.  He then boarded his transport vehicle to the Wachovia center (just a short distance across a parking lot) and had the driver stop along the way so that he could shake hands and sign some autographs for fans going to the concert.

About the concert itself, I can say that it was very similar to last year's tour (I saw one show in September), but with some updated video graphics, and an updated pig.  The current pig is remote controlled with a blimp-type carriage on the bottom which resembles a blimp navigation deck with steering fans on each side of the carriage.  The concert sound was amazingly good for a basketball arena (I've never heard audio that good in a basketball arena)...quadraphonic, naturally.  The video for Sheep seems to be entirely different from that which I saw last year in September.  The footage of Battersea Power Station has been much reduced (much like Battersea herself) and in place of it, the use of footage of other factory smoke stacks.

The video display device combined prerecorded video with live video from the stage, one overlaid on top of the other, providing an immersive video experience the likes of which I have not seen before.  Seeing a close-up of Dave Kilminster's hands expertly applied to the strings during solos was reminiscent of the Pompeii video of Gilmour.  And his expertise in the handling of "Any Colour You Like" cemented the deal...he really seems to have even mastered the tonality and timber of Gilmour's own work on that song.   It really sent chills all over me to hear it.  The young lady next to me, commented to me after the solo, with the understatement of the decade..."That was VERY good!"  Yes, I chuckled, that was extremely well done.

CONCERT REVIEW - June 1st and 2nd shows - by John Pollock

Waters returns to Philadelphia and delivers 2 nights of mind-bending rock theater to an ecstatic and adoring Philadelphia crowd.  Visually and sonically, one of the finest concert experiences to pass through the city. Waters performs a deep, flowing concert spectacle that is an absolute must see for any fan of The Floyd.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 13 June 2007 )
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