Alte Oper, Frankfurt |
Ticket scan - thanks to Nigel Bradder |
Concert starts: 8pm
Address of venue: Opernplatz, 60313 Frankfurt. MAP
Website: www.alteoper.de
FIRST HALF: Castellorizon,
On An Island, The Blue, Red Sky At Night, This Heaven, Then I Close My
Eyes, Smile, Take A Breath, A Pocketful Of Stones, Where We Start.
On You Crazy Diamond, Wot's... The Deal, Wearing The Inside Out, Fat
Old Sun, Breathe/Time/Breathe Reprise, High Hopes, Echoes.
ENCORE: Wish You Were Here and Comfortably Numb. |
Despite half the band and crew
apparently going down with a stomach bug in Paris (a couple of the
musicians visibly struggling during the Olympia show, not that the
music was affected), this did not seem to dampen their enthusiasm for
the Frankfurt show, which went ahead as planned, and from initial
reports seems to have gone down incredibly well.
The slightly amended set list employed at the Olympia
show in Paris presumably felt good to the band, as it was replicated in
Frankfurt. Initial reports noted that Great Gig In The Sky was
performed but we now know this to be false!
By Alexander Bechtold
I've just arrived back from the concert in the "Alte Oper" Frankfurt and what can I say - it blew my mind. Gilmour at his best!
Again the first set was filled
with the songs of his recent album and quite good as I like the album
very much. They played it very well with slight changes in the order of
the songs. Well, Gilmour had some technical problems with his guitar at
"Take A Breath" and had to start the song again after the first few
bars, but then this song got right into my veins just like "This
Heaven"... It was hard to keep seated at these two songs. The rest of
set one was quite calm compared to that.
Set two started of again with
"Sine On", which was somehow a mixture between the Pink Floyd live
version of the PULSE Album and David's live version from his last
"Wot's... uh the deal" was a very
big surprise and the moment when the spark came over, although he also
had to start this song again after forgetting the fist lines of the
text... well that’s just human.
The second surprise was "Fat Old
Sun" which is one of my all time favourites and was played so superbly
and complete with an overwhelming guitar solo after singing "Sing to
me, sing to me" on and on more often than on the original album to give
time to pick up the electric guitar.
"Wearing the inside out" began
strangely strange with these few bass notes and was also a very strong
song this night. Rick Wright sang surprisingly well this evening not
only on this song from the "Division Bell" album but also on
"Comfortably Numb" (Roger's part) and on "Time" and others.
I wished that they had played
"Dominoes" or "Gigolo Aunt", "Baby Lemonade" or other great songs from
Syd or the very early days of Pink Floyd. But over all I'm very
satisfied and feel comfortable seeing Gilmour digging for treasures in
Pink Floyd's history.
But biggest treasure this night
was of course "ECHOES" which simply got me frizzed, sucked me in or
what ever. It was definitely the strongest, a perfect, very intensive
version of this song, with heavy parts and quiet zones and a beautiful
dreamy encore from Dave and Rick. This song was worth the cost of the
concert on its own. Hope to see him and the others again...
By Matthias Sturner
The first set was the same as in
Hamburg one week ago (Great Gig was definitively NOT played in
Frankfurt!). Take a Breath was played after Smile, same as in Hamburg.
In the second set Fat Old Sun was performed instead of Dominoes - very
good idea indeed (see my comments on the Hamburg show)! It was not
played like in 2002, but the full electric version with a powerful
guitar solo at the end - his best one this night - just like back in
'71. It was not the 15 min version of Fat Old Sun we all know and love,
but more like the album version which ends after the solo. But who am I
to camplain, this guitar solo alone was worth coming here.
The playing was a bit tighter
than a week ago, the feeling was generally more relaxed. Gilmour was
quite talkative for his standards. Of course also this show had its
moments to make it unique - Take a Breath had to be restarted after the
first chord (I didn't understand why, probably a technical problem with
the guitar), and Wot's... Uh the Deal had to be restarted because
Gilmour had accidentally begun with the last verse and then couldn't
remeber how it went on: "Someone sent the promised land, dadada..." .
He shook his head in disbelief, looked at some pieces of paper on the
floor and then said "It doesn't start with 'Someone', it starts with
'Heaven'!" Funnily enough, the second time he started again with
"Someone", but this time he carried on with the correct lyrics. A sign
of age? Indeed the lyrics go on "...and I think I'm growing old" Well,
remembering lyrics was never one of his strenghts and such things also
happened frequently already 35 years ago...
This time I came better prepared
than for the Hamburg show. I had soaked up the wonderful new album
(Then I close my Eyes is one of the most beautiful pieces of music he
has ever written or co-written) in the week between the shows and
therefore the first set was much more interesting for me this time.
Echoes was again the climax of the show of course, it was even
announced properly by Gilmour: "We're going to play Echoes for you now.
Sit back in your seats and relax. Richard?" - "Ping!" The lightshow is
simply going nuts during this piece - great!
What I'm a bit concerned about is
Gilmour's voice. It really sounded hoarse from time to time. Another
thing I'm wondering about is why he doesn't have a roadie or technician
handing him over his guitars? He constantly has to hurry when changing
his guitars to make it in time for the next solo, many times he has to
readjust things, tune etc.
The Alte Oper in Frankfurt was a
beautiful location for this show, you could walk over to the balcony
directly at the side of the stage as I did for the encores. I could
have almost touched Jon Carin's shoulder!
What we are really witnessing
here is a Pink Floyd tour like in the old days in my opinion. Small
venues with some 2000 - 3000 seats, a great lightshow without the
circular screen, a great new album being performed completely in the
first set, Echoes finishing the second set - one cannot ask for more!
If you are still to see this tour, you should consider yourself very
very fortunate.
By Ulrike
Taking off for a flight of fancy......
Being a Pink Floyd fan hasn’t
been easy over the last decade, with their last show and album dating
back as far as 1994, leaving the fans craving for good Floyd music, but
without any high hopes for any Pink Floyd comeback soon. So the news of
David’s new album and worldwide tour has been the best news one could
imagine. However, getting tickets for the almost immediately sold out
concerts has been quite a cliff-hanger, and coming from Cologne one had
to cope with the fact that on exact the same evening, Nick Mason was
visiting there for his signing-book tour.
So we were very appreciative of
sitting in the audience, filled with anticipation and excitement,
waiting for the gig of David Gilmour to begin in Frankfurt’s Alte Oper,
a venue with style and class, appropriate to the quality of event which
was about to take place here very soon.
Having enjoyed his previous solo
gigs in Düsseldorf’s Philipshalle in 1984 and London’s Royal Festival
Hall in 2002, and having listened to his new CD “On an Island”, we were
quite aware that no pigs would fly like in the gigantic, bombastic Pink
Floyd shows of the good old days, but that we could expect a show of
one of a kind, captivating the soul and mind, not by predominantly
rocking features, but with a more sombre, laid-back, melancholic
As usual, David performed in
black t-shirt and jeans; unlike other rock stars he never is dressed
like a parrot, British understatement at its best from the beginning.
Like in his concerts before, in
the first half of the show he played his whole new album, beginning
with the stage immersed in a warm blue light. With the fusion of the
warm floating sound, one really got the notion to be moved to a the
beach of a Mediterranean Island, just in time to be defrosted here in
Germany after the unusual cold winter. The next song was performed a
warm reddish light, making you believe you would be floating in the
sea, with waves ebbing and flowing, in the light of the fair sun beams
in dawn. Wow!
Of course the audience had been
totally enthused and cheered David emphatically after each song, even
more so after his gorgeous guitar solos.
David had been somewhat
tight-lipped during the show regarding the interaction with the
audience, but before the break he said in German: “Nach 20 Minuten
Pause komme ich wieder mit alten Sachen!”
And that had not been an empty
promise, the sights and sounds following the break have been so awesome
that one hardly can find the right words to describe them. When the
legendary song Echoes was performed, the lightshow was so captivating
and infatuating that one’s mind really took off for a flight of fancy!
Only too sad he didn’t play my fave song “Learning to fly” and nothing
from his old solo album “About Face”. But one can’t have it all, and
the last song played actually had been one of my faves too:
“Comfortably numb”. It needs no mentioning that the audience cheered
everyone of his band frenetically, but the applause for Richard Wright
of course had been overwhelming.
We returned home with the feeling
as if we would have spent a holiday weekend on a Mediterranean Island
or even in space. I’m sure, no other artist, no other music; no other
show can accomplish that like David and his gang! As Pink Floyd fan one
knows, one is really spoilt by the quality of their spellbinding,
mesmerising sights and sounds for ever, the gigs of all other artists
are paling in comparison. So please David, please don’t let us wait
another long time like that for a new album and concert tour! We want
More, More, More!!!
By Hans-Juergen Mueller
On Saturday (March 18th), I drove
to Cologne to see Nick Mason in the Mayersche Buchhandlung. He talked
about his book and the history of Pink Floyd, before signing items for
the assembled fans. I talked with him for a short time - he was really
nice and pleasant. This was quite fantastic!
After this, I drove to Frankfurt
to see the other members of Pink Floyd (Gilmour and Wright) in concert.
The 'Alte Oper' is a nice and genuine ambiente for Gilmour's more quiet
All in all a not-to-be-missed
concert with more or less quiet pieces throughout the show (especially
in the first half). The new songs from "On An Island" are by far better
live than the studio versions. They have now more energy than these too
relaxed versions on the album.
Having said this, it became
clear, that the audience (including me) loved better the second part
and the encore of the show. A good mix between older and newer songs
and some songs aside the normal Pink Floyd live set ("Wot's ... Uh The
Deal", "Wearing The Inside Out" and of course "Fat Old Sun" - no
I appreciated especially the
complete "Echoes" and of course the perfect end of a concert
"Comfortably Numb". An interesting version of "Shine On" started Part 2
of the show, with an guitar intro and an almost "unplugged" vocal part.
"Take A Breath" had to be
restarted because Gilmour's guitar was out of tune. The same occured to
"Wot's ... Uh The Deal", where Gilmour begann the song with the wrong
lyrics. He also had problems with the lyrics for some seconds during
I can only recommend this show to
every fan - you won't be disappointed, even if you don't like the new
songs very much. Gilmour was in a good mood and he seemed to feel
comfortable with this "smaller" gig. And in his background was a
perfect band, including Richard Wright on keyboards and Phil Manzanera
on guitar.
Richard proved once again, that
he had an enormous influence on the Pink Floyd sound in the 60s and
70s. But he's still underrated. Guy Pratt had a good time on stage,
laughing all the time with
the audience and making some jokes.
By Stefan Schleifer
I was been in Frankfurt also, 9th row, and it seems that the "technical problems" on the guitar have been a mistuning of it.
David started playing the song,
stopped the band by waving around and started to tune the guitar. Some
guy left of us, 4th row shouted to the stage "Fire the roadie", then
Phil Manzanera answered "It was himself" to this guy and started
animate the crowd to clap their hands while David finished tuning it.
On Whats - Uh the deal David
started singing "Heaven sent the promised land, looks alright from
where I stand" and stopped singing. While laughing at the stage (a
little bit...) he said something like "Must have been taken by
(heaven/god/?)", didn't understand this part.
On the beginning of Echoes, Rick
Wright seemed to have some problems with his equipment. He took one of
the lights standing at the keyboard and seemed to search something,
hectically. David turned to him and said "Rick?". He introduced Echoes
with "We will now play Echoes for you, so lean back, sit comfortably in
your seat" which was really neat.
The return of Pink Floyd
Old and new: David Gilmour in the Alte Oper
A slightly threatening sound
collage. Red and orange illuminated fog. And suddenly there is the
"voice and guitar of Pink Floyd" standing in the lime light of the
stage. David Gilmour is cheered frenetically by the audience of his
concert in the Alte Oper, which was sold out weeks ago, even before he
has played one single sound on his guitar.
His fans had to wait a long time
for this. The last time David Gilmour toured with Pink Floyd had been
in 1994, promoting "Devision Bell". And it´s 22 years ago when he
released his last solo album. His new album "On an Island", which he
had been performing in Frankfurt together with Richard Wright
(Keyboards), Phil Manzanera (Guitar), Dick Parry (Saxophone), and the
young musicians Guy Pratt (Bass), Jon Carin (Keyboards) and Steve
DiStanislao (Drums/Percussion), comes across at first listen as not too
powerful and a little sweet. Most of the lyrics of the seven songs (a
further 3 songs are instrumentals) have been written by his wife Polly
Samson, a former journalist and writer, which seem to be reflecting the
mostly lucky moments of their relationship.
They seeme to be revived by being
played live. The title song "On an Island" is filled with the full Pink
Floyd sound, with the potential for becoming a major hit. "Then I close
my eyes", performed by David Gilmour playing his guitar, is coming
across as relaxing and mediative.
The highlight of the first part
of the concert is the rocking "Take a breath"; here, the light designer
Marc Brickman immerses the stage into a flaming red to the
sphere-sounds, for which Pink Floyd had become so famous. End-time like
sounds are reminding of the psychedelic times of the band. The song is
dominating the heartbeat. In contrast to that, "A pocketful of stones"
is coming across as minimalistic, which is sung by Gilmour partially a
cappella. Very relaxing again is "Where we start"!
In the second part of the
concert, in which David Gilmour is appearing concentrated, assured and
with a sense of humour, is dedicated to all the old hits. With "Shine
on you crazy diamond", commemorating the ex-band-leader Syd Barrett, a
simple light show covers the performers on the stage with light beams
of a science fiction show. "Wearing the inside out" is going beneath
the skin, being sung by Rick Wright. Time" and "Breathe reprise" are
from the hit album "The dark side of the moon". Bells are rung at the
drums with "High hopes". The very long "Echoes" is the true highlight,
and during the encores "Wish you were here" and "Comfortably numb" many
of the enthused audience flock to the stage.
(Our thanks to Ulrike for the translation.)
Frankfurter Neue Presse
And God created the guitar...
With David Gilmour´s concert in
the "Alte Oper" Frankfurt, it became abundantly clear again, how much
he influenced the sound of "Pink Floyd".
Most certainly, it´s no
coincidence, that David Gilmour´s new album "On an Island" had been
released in Germany on March 6th, exactly on that date, marking his
60th birthday, and with this work he made himself a wonderful present.
"On an Island" is one of the best of his 3 solo albums so far,
exemplifying how much Gilmour influenced the music of Pink Floyd. Over
many years however, the occasionally genial Roger Waters had been
dominating the musical direction of the band, until in 1994 the first
Pink Floyd album without him, "Division Bell", had ben published, which
is inspired mainly by David Gilmour, and with "On an Island" he is
pursuing there where "Division Bell" ended. [note: as we all know, this
is wrong, Momentary Lapse of reason had been the first one)
It would have been easy for
Gilmour to attract a bigger audience in bigger venues, than would fit
into the Grosser Saal in the Alte Oper, but it´s been his wish to be
playing in honourable venues. In the first half of his gorgeous evening
in Frankfurt David is performing excerpts of his new album. The title
song "On an Island" is making the beginning with a guitar solo, with
Gilmour´s talents impressing very much. His play never had been
dominated by a meticulous technique, he never wanted to impress with
speed or virtuosity. David Gilmour is one of a kind in the way he is
creating a feeling, a musical atmosphere with his guitar. He is only
using a few tones, but each note is at its right place and is matching
perfect with the harmonic context of each composition. Besides his
sense for atmosphere and melody, it´s the extraordinary sound,
characterising David Gilmour´s guitar play.
All is created by diverse
effects, but in the end the sound of the guitar is dominated by the
head and finger of the guitarist. Before the brake, Gilmour is
announcing "a few more known songs" for the 2nd part of th concert.
Actually, "Shine on your crazy Diamond" is the opener of the 2nd part
of the concert, at first with the authentic Pink Floyd song, as known
from the album "Wish you were here" from the year 1976 [actually, 1975!
Matt]. But then a new, bare arrangement can be heard, when Gilmour is
accompanying the verses only with his guitar, supported restrainedly by
Richard Right at the piano. What a wonderful contrast to the bombastic
instrumentation of Pink Floyd. Because David Gilmour is beginning with
the wrong verse at "What´s the Deal" from the album "Obscured by
clouds", he has to stop his performance, sorting his text and to begin
again - accompanied by the friendly laughter of the sympathetic
In 1973 Pink Floyd published a
record, which is now in second place of the biggest selling rock
albums, behind Michael Jackson´s "Thriller": "The Dark Side of the
Moon". The piece "Breathe" from this legendary album is interpreted by
Gilmour and his excellent band in such a fresh way, making you believe
it would have been composed yesterday and not for over 30 years ago.
And there were even more Pink Floyd classics in a new design enthusing
the highly content audience in the Alte Oper. Schrilling alarm clocks
are ringing in "Time", performed by David Gilmour´s excellent guitar
And as encores there are "Wish
You were here" as well as the fascinating "Comfortably Numb" from the
Pink Floyd´s masterpiece "The wall". The audience is thanking with
overwhelming applause and getting up from their seats, loving to hear
more. But David and his band have done what´s been due. After 3
thrilling, wonderful hours it´s likely that the demands for a
reunification of Pink Floyd in their original version are being