Konzerthaus, Dortmund |
Ticket scans - thanks to Franziskus, Nigel
Bradder, and H. Acker |
Concert starts: 8pm
Address of venue: Brückstrasse 21, 44135 Dortmund. MAP
Website: www.konzerthaus-dortmund.de
FIRST HALF: Castellorizon,
On An Island, The Blue, Red Sky At Night, This Heaven, Then I Close My
Eyes, Smile, Take A Breath, A Pocketful Of Stones, Where We Start.
On You Crazy Diamond, Wot's... Uh The Deal, Wearing The Inside Out,
Breathe/Time/Breathe Reprise, Dominoes, High Hopes, Echoes.
ENCORE: Wish You Were Here and Comfortably Numb. |
Last night saw the opening show
on David Gilmour's 2006 tour - and what a show it was! Reports are
still arriving from those who attended the concert, but on the whole,
the reaction is one of elation over the material selected to be played,
and the performance itself.
Philipp Wunscher told us: "I just
came back from Dortmund and I have to say it was absolute brilliant.
The sound, the songs, the light show... all was perfect. David had some
problems with his voice during the first two or three songs but later
he was great as always. It felt a little like seeing Pink Floyd in 1972
before they had that huge success."
Certainly, the set list bears
that out. Using your mouse, highlight the box above to see what was
played... we've done it this way so as not to spoil the surprise for
those who don't want to know!
A very interesting set, and a good balance of old and new.
View the German TV station ZDF
coverage of the Dortmund concert in the German news show Heute Journal,
including an interview with David on stage before the show, through THIS LINK. Also, there's a review of the first night from a Cologne newspaper:
David Gilmour is back again
- He kept his fans waiting for a long time. It´s been over 12 years
since his last tour. But now he is back again. On Friday evening David
Gilmour started his world tour in Dortmund/Germany. An audience of 1200
cheered the comeback of the Brit in the sold out Konzerthaus. With him
came his new album "On An Island", published on March 3rd.
who celebrated his birthday only a few days ago, is the voice of "Pink
Floyd", which is the legendary band, making history with their allbum
"The Wall", having been in the American Billboard-Charts for over
unbelievable 14 years with their album "Dark Side of the Moon", being
the posterboys for the invention of the Art-Rock, whose live-shows
could only be manged by a logistical mastermind. But that is all over
now- David Gilmour is taking a smaller approach. But nevertheless, fans
have been flocking the "Philharmony of Westfalia". The gigs of his tour
have been sold out since last year.
If you are a rock star for
one time, you are forever. Not surprisingly a light-show and fog
announced the beginning of the evening. Already the silhouette of the
guitarist enthused the mainly older audience, which cheered Gilmour
frenetically, a long time before the first sound could be heard.
However, the musical mastermind of "Pink Floyd" is no entertainer, and
he isn´t very talkative either. But his performance left no doubts that
Gilmour is a truly gifted musician, singer and songwriter.
Brit began his perfomance with the title song of his new CD. And he
stuck to his new pieces. Those appealed to his loyal fans, who had paid
between 55 and 85 EUR for the tickets, but didn´t lift them from their
But the genius is aware of the preferences of his fans
and played "Oldies but Goldies" at the second part of the evening. And
by this, after an hour, now the grey fans of the psychedelic rock could
shake their hair to the sophisticated guitar-solo. The distinctly voice
of Gilmour and the songs like "Wish You Were Here" or "Shine On You
Crazy Diamond", accompanied by a great light-show - it almost had been
like in the good old times.
Our thanks to Ulrike for these two...
By Simon Rosenberg
David was right on time. 8.03pm
and the lights dimmed. The crowd cheered and the first sounds of
Castellorizon could be heard. The stage was yet dark, but one could see
the silhouette of a dark-clothed man walking towards the guitars. And
all of a sudden there he was: David Gilmour in Dortmund playing
Castellorizon’s heartbreaking solo and straight into the title-track of
his latest album “On an Island”.
It was a great feeling. The light
show was subtle, yet dominant. The crowd cheered again, David thanked
his fans and told us the structure of this night’s concert: first half
pretty much everything of the new album, and after the intermission all
the oldies n’ goldies.
And it worked: the new album, a
quiet one gained power on stage: most of all, “This Heaven” and “Take A
Breath”, the latter being the only rocking track on the album. This one
got the most cheers of all the new tracks, and David had to admit: “You
guys like to rock!”.
After the fifteen-minute
intermission, the tension was high since most people obviously came for
the oldies n' goldies. And David kept his promise. He came back onstage
and started with "Shine On You Crazy Diamond in a stunning new
rendition. The diamond came of age and beautifully too: the singing
part is only David and his guitar. Some guitar licks are slightly
changed and give an overall new quality to the song. A brave decision
by David. I salute him for that.
Shine On was followed by another
surprise: “Wot's... Uh The Deal”, from the Obscured By Clouds album.
Afterwards, it’s time for Richard Wright to take over the lead vocals
on “Wearing The Inside Out”. Time for some Dark Side Of The Moon:
“Breathe” enters “Time”, and “Time” goes straight into “Breathe
And then yet another surprise:
David announces a “very old song written by Syd whom we owe very much”.
And there goes “Dominoes”, a cool laid back version. Nice.
The division bell rang afterwards
to present us a great live version of “High Hopes” with a stunning
slide guitar solo of David. But nothing prepared me to what was going
to follow: a stunning 20-minute rendition of “Echoes”! Blown Away!
Absolutely magnificient. Unable
to put into words! You gotta go and listen to it. But twenty minutes
can go by so soon, and when the lights went up, the band was off-stage,
only to return for Wish You Were Here and Comfortably Numb as an encore.
Throughout the show the light
effects were stunning. Not overblown, but intelligently used to stress
the music and not vice versa. The musicians were all wonderful, the
show did not reveal that it was indeed the first concert of the tour.
Dick Parry’s parts were all beautifully played. Shivers down your
spines guaranteed!
Sad it’s over! Glad I did not miss it! Shine on, David!
Review by Mario
I went to yesterday's show, and I can barely say how awesome it was.
The first half they played "On An
Island" (Take A Breath was a rocker!!!, nice slide guitar solo from Jon
Carin, and an amazing light show). The second half began with Shine On
You Crazy Diamond (much like the 2001/2002 acoustic version, but with
electric guitar), after that they played "Wot´s .. Uh The Deal", who
could have guessed that?!
p>Then Guy Pratt starts play some
deep bass notes, introducing "Wearing The Inside Out"; nice to hear
Richard Wright sing. After finishing the song the "HEARTBEAT" starts.
What an amazing feeling to hear that live. Now they play a partial
DSOTM set, including Breathe/Time/Breathe Reprise. WOW! I liked that a
Like the acoustic shows in
2001/2002, David played "Dominoes" - a tribute to Syd - with a great
guitar solo by Phil Manzanera, followed by "High Hopes", but after
"High Hopes" the show turns from really really great to AMAZING! the
first notes of "ECHOES" start, combined with a great visual
performance! Now the audience is treated with the full 20 minutes
version! For me this was the climax of the show.
After the final notes were played, the audience honors the song, or in fact the complete second half with standing ovations.
As an encore they played "Wish
You Were Here" and of course "Comfortably Numb". What more can you ask
for? It was one of the best shows I´ve seen. David and the band were
awesome. The setlist was amazing. Thank you for this great experience!
By the way, the audience did a great job, too, a really nice atmosphere.
Review by Jens Libach
David Gilmour starts off with
playing the whole of the new album, which is also the first set of the
show. I myself don’t think too highly of the new album, which I find to
be lyrically an embarrassment. But apart from the stupid songs and dull
compositions it is filled with amazing guitar work. However, the songs
come so much more to life live, even more than I was expecting them to.
Castellorizon is loud and clear
and a very convincing opener. You immediately get the feeling that
Gilmour is in control of his guitar as much as ever. The Blue
definately has the most convincing solo of the first set. It reminds me
a lot of Marooned and is a beauty.
It is funny to witness how needed
Take A Breath is to the crowd, the middle section of this song works
just perfect with the lighting giving you the impression of being under
water struggeling to get to the surface for a breath of air. A surprise
for me was how convincing Then I Close My Eyes was; it is very much
extended and is indeed beautiful. However, the whole of the first set
comes off as being all too low and dull, the last two songs are simply
so lame it is indeed an embarrassment.
The second set is an amazing one.
Takes off with a very special version of Shine On You Crazy Diamond
(Pts.1-5). I guess you can call this version a mix of the PULSE and the
Meltdown version. It is very very nice indeed.
Wot’s...Uh The Deal then follows,
it comes off as a very fresh version with Gilmour playing the most
amazing slide solo in the end, very true to the original version from
Obscured By Clouds. Even the piano part by Rick Wright is thrilling to
witness. One of the highlights of the show for me.
Wearing The Inside Out, sung by
Rick, is beautiful and haunting. It is a very quiet version, and indeed
very mellow. The whole of the band really delivers on this one even
though it is so quiet.
Breathe, Time and Breathe
(reprise) is then played. The drummer doesn’t do an impressive job on
the intro on Time and Guy Pratt is too fast on the tic-toc, but when
the song kicks off you find yourself rocking of course. Gilmour’s solo
on Time is loud and has a very raw feeling to it. It works. It's a nice
Dominoes, the Syd Barrett song,
is then played which is very different from the Meltdown version. The
bass part is very anonymous I might add. Phil Manzanera plays the
backwards guitar solo, which is done very nicely. It is however an
unfulfilling version to me, the Meltdown version is much better in my
High Hopes is fresh and very
impressive. The ending slide solo is just massive and possibly the
strongest I’ve ever witnessed. The outro on the acoustic is an extended
one, and comes off being very dramatic and mellow taking it to the end.
Very impressive version of this song.
The second set is ended with a
COLOSSAL version of Echoes lasting for no less than 19 minutes and 44
seconds (I timed it on my mobile phone). It is without a doubt THE
highlight of the show with Gilmour and Wright singing duet. The first
part of Echoes is filled with Gilmour's amazing guitar work; he totally
delivers. The middle keyboard section is loud and mindblowing to sit
through. The second part is enormously impressive. The build up is
undescribable to me, the peak is crystal clear and very very loud. You
find yourself sitting there in total awe. I must stress that it is
simply just so impressive and amazing I lack words to describe it. The
piano intro is shortened but sweet and the build up also seems shorter
than on the early 70’s versions.
Encore. Wish You Were Here is
very nice but also comes off as a very simple version. However it's a
crowd pleaser. Comfortably Numb closes the encore with Rick singing
Roger’s vocal part and Gilmour delivering a staggering massive solo.
To sum it up I must say that the
first set lacks tension and speed. It is simply too boring at times to
sit through the whole of the new album. The second set is just
mindblowing, especially due to Echoes being played.
I find bass player Guy Pratt to
be very unconvincing in his playing, he lacks personality and approach
very much in my opinion. The drummer is very anonymous, which I find to
be a pity. It is to me very nice indeed not to have the background
singers there, the band comes off much better without. I just love to
look at Rick there on the stage.
The venue was small and the
seating was very steep; the acoustics was amazing. They had difficulty
at times with the lighting and some members of the band seemed a bit
nervous at times, especially Rick who had trouble with getting his
singing across. Gilmour didn’t get the lyrics right on Echoes.
Review by Lorenz Grünewald, aimed at our German friends!
Ja da war ich also gestern: In
Dortmund im Konzerthaus. Nachdem ich seit 4 Jahren beim Hören der Pulse
CD oder beim sehen der DVD immer eine Träne im Auge hatte, weil ich bei
dieser bombastischen, musikalisch wie visuell perfekten Show nicht
dabei sein konnte (wofür ich nichts konnte, 94 war ich sieben Jahre alt
und hatte mein erstes Michael Jackson Tape), freute ich mich umsomehr
auf dieses Ereigniss meinen Lieblingsgitarristen Live sehen zu können.
Nach 4 jähriger Wartezeit und einigem Bangen, die Jungs von Pink Floyd
würden nie mehr kommen, war ich also mit meinem Papa (der meine Floyd
Leidenschaft ausnahmsweise teilt) im Foyer des architektonisch
ausgefuchsten Konzerthauses und ärgerte mich über die Merchandising
Preise. Mann nimmt doch immer gern ein Tourprogramm und ein T Shirt
mit. Ersteres kostete 15 €, letzeres 35 und aufwärts. Beides habe ich
dann am Merchandising Stand gelassen. Eine Frechheit wie ich finde.
Um kurz vor Acht sind wir dann in
den Saal. Wir hatten Plätze in der zweiten Reihe des Balkons von wo aus
man sehr gut sehen und noch besser hören konnte, da die
Hauptlautsprecher des Konzerthauses, das 1000 Besucher fasst, genau auf
unserer Höhe hangen. Pünklich um kurz nach Acht gings dann auch Los.
Das Konzert besteht aus zwei Sets. Beim ersten Spielt Gilmour einmal
die neue Platte "On An Island" durch. Das zweite Set beinhaltet dann
Floyd Klassiker und zwei Barrett Songs (Whats The Deal und Dominoes).
Wie das Album begann es also mit "Castellarisation". Die ganze Zeit
werden wie bei der Studio CD die Soundcollagen und Orchestersounds vom
Band eingespielt, sodass Gilmour beim ersten Song Quasie Playback zum
Album machte was ich nicht so gut gelöst fand. Sein Strat Sound
begeistert aber schon nach der ersten Note. Wer das Album kennt weis,
was ich meine. Die Songs sind allesamt sehr schön, aber ruhig.So war
auch das erste Set, abgesehen von "Take A Breath" einer genialen
Rocknummer aus schrägen Akkorden mit einer dermaßenen Power gespielt
und gesungen das es einfach gefetzt hat. Ein geiles Solo und die
hammermäßige Lightshow kam so richtig in Fahrt. Hier bekam Gilmour
seinen größten Applaus im ersten Set "You like ro Rock" meinte er
lächelnd dazu. Zwischen den Sets gab es eine 20 Minütige Pause in der
die Techniker noch etwas Feinarbeit erledigen konnten, sodass die
Technik und der Sound im zweiten Set besser waren als im ersten.
Das zweite Set begann dann wie
konnte es anders sein mit Shine On You Crazy Diamond. Gilmour
interpretiert den Song etwas neu. So spielt er die ersten beiden Teile
kommplett alleine ohne Band. Die sphärischen Sounds die den Song prägen
macht er selber, indem er zwischen Sologitarren Sound und einem anderem
Amp, auf der er einige Effekte und einen Sampler laufen hat. Er spielt
also erst seine bekannten Linien und fadet dann Stufenlos in
wunderschöne Akkorde über. Erst im späteren Verlauf des Stückes kommt
dann die Band hinzu und lässt es richtig Krachen. Das Publikum ist
jetzt in bester Laune und so geht es mit Breathe/Time und der Reprise.
Man merkt wir Gilmour und auch Rick Wright der zu meiner großen Freunde
die Keys bedient hat wieder in ihrem Element waren. Auch Guy Pratt, der
Bassist der die Floyds seid 89 begleitet, war hammer in Form hat sehr
tight gespielt und sich als einziger wirklich auf der Bühne bewegt. Er
hatte sichtlich seinen Spass.
Danach Kam Inside Out. Ein Wright
Song von der Division Bell. Wrights Gesang hätte lauter sein können
aber der Song war auch so wunderschön mit einem tollen Solo und
wunderbaren Saxophoneinleigen von Floyd Sax-Spieler Dick Parry (auch in
die Jahre gekommen).
Sehr gut gefallen hat mir danach
"Wot's... Uh The Deal" von der Piper At The Gates Of Dawn. Ein schöner
Folk Song mit Psychodelic Einflüssen. Dominoes einen wunderschönen
Barrett Song hat die Band leider verhunzt- Klang mir nach wenig geübt
und schlecht abgesprochen. Rhytmusgitarrist Phil Manzanera hat hier ein
Solo gespielt das absolut daneben war. Er schien zunächst seinen
Einsatz verpasst zu haben, hatte dan Probleme mit seinem Pedalboard und
dann klags auch noch scheisse. Er hat den alten Trick (Gitarre, viel
Delay und dann die Töne mit dem Volumepedal einfaden) gemacht was nicht
zum Song passte der eigentlich viel Drive entwickeln (kann). Gilmour
hat man das Entsetzten auch engesehen. Na gut es sei ihnen verziehen.
Jetzt kam High Hopes von der
Division Bell mit einem gnadenlos guten Slide Solo und schönen Linien
auf der spanischen Gitarre. Auch hier schien man das Ende nicht geprobt
zu haben, denn Rick Wright spielte langsam ausfadend ein paar Streichen
zu denen Gilmour Improvisierte und sie fanden kein Ende. Irgendwann kam
der Musikertypische "Istjetztschluss"-Blick von Gilmour zu Wright und
so haben sies dann irgendwie geschafft.
Echoes. Ja. Meiner meinung nach
der Höhepunk der Show. Einer meiner Lieblingssongs gnadenlos geil
gespielt in seine vollen Länge mit Mordssound. Das Gefühl am Höhepunkt
des Stückes, wo auch die Lightshow explodierte ist unbeschreiblich.
Diesen Moment werde ich nie vergessen.
Als Zugabe gabs dann noch Wish
You Werde hier in gewohnter Fassung und auch Comfortably Numb. Wie bei
der 94er Tour singt hier Wright die Waters Parts. Mit dem Solo, das ich
für das beste, je gespielte Gitarrensolo halte endete das Stück. Hier
zeigt sich einfach warum ich Gilmours Spiel auch mit 60 Jahren noch
Insgesammt ein sehr geiler Gig.
Vielleicht mein bestes Konzert. Es zeigt sich allerdings, dass es das
erste Konzert der Tour war. In den Pausen sind noch wildfuchtelnd die
Roadies mit ihren Lampen hin und hergerannt um hier und da etwas
umzustellen, die einspielungen vom Band waren noch nicht 100&
sauber und die Band hat hier und da noch Fehler gemacht: Zum einen das
verpatzte Dominoes und der Schluss von High Hopes, aber auch das
vergeigte Solo von Phil sind Beispiel dafür. Auch sehr sympatisch war,
das Gilmour selber sich hin und wieder vergriffen hat. Auch bei den
mehrstimmigen Gesängen gab es manchmal unreinheiten) but: Live is Life!
Gerne wäre ich auch heute in
Hamburg dabei, wo die Band sicher diese Fehler ausgemerzt hat, wobei
der Sound kaum besser sein kann als im Konzerthaus.