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Home arrow David Gilmour 2006 arrow April 16th/17th - OAKLAND PARAMOUNT THEATRE, SAN FRANCISCO, CA

Oakland Paramount
Oakland Paramount
Oakland Paramount
Oakland Paramount
Ticket scans - Joseph Christ & Flaxer
Concert starts: 8pm

Address of venue: 2025 Broadway, Oakland, CA 94612. MAP



SET LIST (April 16th)
FIRST HALF: Breathe/Time/Breathe Reprise, Castellorizon, On An Island, The Blue, Red Sky At Night, This Heaven, Then I Close My Eyes, Smile, Take A Breath, A Pocketful Of Stones, Where We Start.

SECOND HALF: Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Wot's... The Deal, Dominoes, Coming Back To Life, High Hopes, Echoes.

ENCORE: Wish You Were Here, Comfortably Numb.

SET LIST (April 17th)
FIRST HALF: Breathe/Time/Breathe Reprise, Castellorizon, On An Island, The Blue, Red Sky At Night, This Heaven, Then I Close My Eyes, Smile, Take A Breath, A Pocketful Of Stones, Where We Start.

SECOND HALF: Shine On You Crazy Diamond, Wearing The Inside Out, Fat Old Sun, Arnold Layne, Coming Back To Life, High Hopes, Echoes.

ENCORE: Wish You Were Here, Comfortably Numb.


The first of two back-to-back shows in Oakland saw David and the band revise the setlist once more, with quite a big alteration of running order. Yet another great show by the sound of it.

The second show proved as popular as the first, with initial comments suggesting that the band were on slightly better form than the previous night... and from those who've been to earlier shows, the band seem to be (somehow!) improving as the tour goes on. As someone who saw them at the start of the European leg, I know they were excellent then - so what will they be playing like by the time they get to the UK for the final leg?!

One of the biggest surprises in the second show was the addition of another early track - even David was quoted as saying that it was "hard to believe"!

Two final shows in the US - LA's Kodak Theatre tomorrow, and LA's Gibson Theatre on Thursday - before the band take a well-deserved rest prior to the final shows, all in the UK, at the end of May.

SHOW REVIEW - April 16th

By BD contributor, Hernan Eguiluz

Hi, it is almost 1am and I just got back from seeing David Gilmour and band in Oakland, CA.

Much to my surprise, there was a little change to the order of the songs set. The show started, about 5 minutes after 8, with Breathe/Time/Breathe Reprise. Then the band went on to play the complete On an Island album.

After the expected break, it was Shine on you Crazy Diamond, Wot's... The Deal, Dominoes, Coming Back To Life, High Hopes, Echoes and Wish You Were Here and Comfortably Numb as the encores.

As many other writers have said, by far, the best song was Echoes. Just amazing and unforgettable. The sound, the effects were worthy of the Pink Floyd name ... even though this was not a Pink Floyd show :-)

The show was excellent, with all the musicians playing masterfully (I was impressed with the drummer which I had not listed to before). The light show was also great, I loved the lasers, the fog and the strobing lights used for Time. Even though the stage was not big, the lighting managed to make is look much bigger. During Echoes it actually looked as if it had disappeared. The light and general effects were never repetitive either.

I did notice though that the sound was a bit spotty in some places, not the music itself but in a few songs from On an Island I could not discern David's voice very well. Maybe it was just me. But this did not hinder the over all experience much.

It was the best show I have been to. I just wish I had bought tickets for tomorrow's show too! Well, there is hope for a DVD later this year and who knows, maybe more shows to come in the future.

SHOW REVIEW - April 16th

By BD contributor, Roger Price

Just got back from the 1st Oakland show. Wow, totally awesome. David started off with two songs from DSOTM. The 1st song was Speak to Me and then Breathe. The crowd went absolutely nuts. Then the group played the new album.

After the break, David played a mostly acoustic Shine On You Crazy Diamond. Two more obscure songs (including one of Syd's songs). Then the surprise of the night, a full length version of ECHOES! When I hear that first little "Ping" note, I couldn't believe it. I haven't heard that song live in over 31 years. He ended the concert with Comfortable Numb.

David also played High Hopes from The Division Bell. It's 1:45 am California time, and I'm still buzzing. The Paramount is a great place for a concert. The crowd was really into it but well behaved.

I need to thank you guys for the advance notice of the tickets that went on sale back in December. This might be David's last US tour, who knows. I'm glad I got to see him again. He simply rocked the house.

SHOW REVIEW - April 16th

By BD contributor, Robert C Gruen

Okay. I am in my 4th city in North America following the Gilmour show! I must say the show was CRAZY last night. First the band comes with a sick version of Breathe/Time/Breathe looking at each other and smiling. The crowd, most of which, went crazy BUT didn’t understand that this is the first time this whole tour that he opened like this! Then after he was done and the crowd was still going NUTS David said, “it feels like we are on the WEST COAST. Happy to be here.” Hilarious.

Then David said with everyone still standing that he is going to play the entire album... "SO SIT DOWN and ENJOY IT! EVERYONE SIT DOWN WITHIN 2 SECONDS!" It was great!!! Quietest first set I have seen on tour – thanks! I am sure David and the band needed that show of respect.

Now I am thinking the whole show, is he going to replace the highlight of the 2nd set (BTB) that he already did in the first set? The answer as you can see above in the set list – is no. BUT I MUST SAY he did the longest echoes YET starting at the 39min25sec and ending at the 60min58sec mark. This was about 2 minutes longer. Also, the CN encore solo was extended.

The sound was awesome within the first 25 rows in the theater. There is an ANGEL above center stage that you can see with the lights on. It only appears when its dark with a single white spot on center stage (ie. SOYCD). For those of you at the show – it’s a must see.

Finally, for this message I love the fact that Guy Pratt has become the FLASH CAMERA COP! Good job Guy. He points people out while he’s playing and tells them to stop or shakes his head NO FLASH! Maybe he could buy some hi powered flashes and just FLASH THEM RIGHT BACK so they don’t ruin the moment for the band and the other people around. Guy – if you read this – I will FUND THE PURCHASE AND meet you at Leno’s studio. Looking forward to more surprises. Shine ON.

PS – Where the heck were Nash and Crosby? Crosby lives like 9 miles away for Islands SAKE!

SHOW REVIEW - April 16th

By BD contributor, Jeff Fish

All I can say is wow. There is a reason that you put David Gilmour in the same class as Eric Clapton, Jeff Beck and Carlos Santana. All masters at their craft and David is definitely a master at his.

David has surrounded himself with some world class musicians - boy do they deliver the goods. Absolutely everything about this show was world class; the sound was impeccable and loud (yeah!), the lights were very psychedelic and the set list was all that I could hope for.

Opening up with “Breathe/Time” was a nice change and it really captured everyone’s attention right away, you just knew you were in for a treat. The whole of “On a Island” comes off incredibly well live. I ran into a friend at the show who told me at break that if the show ended now he’d be happy. The songs had a really fresh sound to them and David really takes some very nice guitar solos in the first set. The song “On A Island” has all the classic qualities of we’ve grown to love about Pink Floyd’s music, with David’s second solo on the song just sounding epic. The whole first set was great!

Ahhh… but the second set. I literally couldn’t move after the songs were over, in fact at one point my wife asked me if everything was all right. The power and class that this band exudes is off the scale.

I’ve seen Floyd four times in the past and if you’re lucky enough to see one of these shows it’s pretty damn close. I absolutely love the new arrangement for “Shine On…”, and you knew while you were listening to it that at this point things have changed. The sound was a little louder and the lights were a little brighter (or maybe it was just me…), but for whatever the case the journey was one.

“Wots… ah the Deal” was great to hear live and then segueing into “Dominoes” was a real treat with Phil Manzanara taking a really nice backwards guitar solo. “Coming Back to Life” and “High Hopes” both have these great lap steel solo’s in them and David’s voice was in fine form. It makes you really realize that these are truly great songs, totally worthy of Pink Floyd.

But then the moment that just brought the house down; the first ping of “Echoes”. All 20 something minutes of it, in every psychedelic and epic detail! Mesmerizing and unforgettable are just two words that come to mind and even those words can’t prepare you for what you’re about to see and hear. The light show at this point just messes with your mind; very, very cool indeed!

So how do you top that (not that you really can, but…)? “WYWH” and “Comfortably Numb” that’s how; with the guitar parts in Comfortably Numb just going beyond anything you’ve heard before.

An amazing show by a master musician and a great band, none of us wanted it to end.

These shows are priceless and worth every penny; this is a concert not to be missed! Honestly, I literally couldn’t move after the songs were over… it was that good!

SHOW REVIEW - April 16th

By BD contributor

The Tap Room (the closest watering hole to The Paramount Theatre in downtown Oakland) was bumping with excitement before the first of two bay area stops for the David Gilmour tour. Let's roll another one for candy, the current bun and the man in the light bulb suit.

Cheers to the lucky few who were proudly displaying freshly signed "on an island" cd's. It seems that Mr. Gilmour is keen on signing all things OAI related while items with the brand Pink Floyd are given less priority. If it is an autograph you are seeking, you may want to take note of that.

The Paramount Theatre is a true bay area jewel. These two dates must be two of the most intimate of all the OAI tour stops. Upon entrance to the performance room two things become very clear: we are all very lucky to be where we are and the dream like haze inside the venue, perhaps a sign of foggy memories to come.

Set list transporters are agasp when Oakland night one is treated to an unexpected set list rearrangement. The theatre goes dark as does the east bay moon with two classic cuts from the best selling classic rock record of all time. The sounds of Richard Wright's fragile vocals hit home with tear jerking affects. "Never seem to find the time".

Comments were made from David about the other type of smoke quickly filling the theatre "smells like the west coast". I guess some things in the past 30 years have not changed. A complete performance of OAI follows with impressive detail. Every one of these songs sound far better than the recorded album versions. I think you would be hard pressed to find anyone inside The Paramount tonight, who would choose to disagree.

Speaking of hard pressed...The Paramount was oddly filled with OAI handouts/ads on every seat in the house. This strange waste of paper should be reconsidered for night two. Not only is this a very non-eco friendly move it also smacks of record label intervention. Are sales for OAI low in the bay area or in the entire US market?

Has this been done at other venues on this short and sweet tour?

Most of these print out ads ended on the floor of the theatre by the night's end.

"Shine on" leads the way into the second set with blinding precision followed by the obscure classic "WUTD". The lap steel solo cuts through The thick fog and leads us into a stark and focused Syd Barrett classic called "Dominoes". It was so very nice to hear a Barrett song on such a magical night of music.

A couple of Division Bell songs pave the way for "a million bright ambassadors of morning" which shine upon this art deco marvel like a prism in world class jewel display case. The band is ultra tight, the lasers sharp and bright and the crowd simply ecstatic. This is easily the finest live version of a Pink Floyd song I have ever had the pleasure of witnessing none, hands way folking down! This performance is worth the price of admission alone.

Two complete FM Radio classics follow in a short third set before we are released back onto the streets of Oakland. No pig, no mirror balls and no flying/exploding beds just "the voice and guitar of Pink Floyd", Richard Wright and one hell of a band making music that will ring out for ages inside the walls of this legendary art deco era theatre.

"Nothing is revealed"

SHOW REVIEW - April 16th

By BD contributor, Bill Feinstein

Okay, I think we fans (Gilmour-heads) have to start putting some perspective on this series of shows. I've seen Pink Floyd since 1977 and every group and solo tour since. I realize David tours infrequently and not one wanted to be blown-away more than me, but to be honest this was not a high-ranking show in the history of PF/DG. This has nothing to do with the band (awesome), sound (clear and loud), musicianship (fabulous) or the light show (blow away in a small theater). It has to do with the set list, which was so self indulgent that somewhere, today, Roger Waters is saying "see it's not only me" (Yeah Rog, we know your dad died in WWII).

Yes it was wonderful to see the set list get moved around a bit. Having Breathe>Time>Reprise start the show I thought something special was in the works. However, all it did was make for a very short second set. Would it have been that hard to add "Run Like Hell" or "Another Brick in the Wall"? The musicians on that stage could learn them in their sleep.

Really David, the new album is just not cutting it. Four songs are good, the rest B O R I N G! Many others have talked about people meandering around during set one. That's because the set list is just did not grab one's attention. Had you kept the four rockers and bagged the rest, filling the "empty spaces" with other classics" (either Pink Floyd or Gilmour solo work ["Raise My Rent" would have been awesome]), this would have been a world class show.

For example, David plays banjo and sax. Great, I'm impressed that you can play other instruments. BUT YOU HAVE A WORLD CLASS SAX PLAYER IN THE BAND! USE HIM!!!!! I know the new album is telling us how happy you and your family are. Again, great. But the lyrics are tragic (sorry Polly) and the music representative of someone who is going through the motions. Stick to guitar and rock and roll please David! Remember I am a huge fan. But honesty is better than straight-up adulation without a critical eye.

Make no mistake about it, I am a serious fan and I had a great time. But if you paid big bucks and don't believe that David is the second coming of guitar gods long gone and wanted to be entertained from start to finish (not too much to ask for the price of this show) this show did not live up to your expectations. If you disagree with me tell me why, but please don't say the new album portion was great. Tell me why? [BD note: we are happy to forward on your views to Bill!]

Peace to All. Especially you David. Oh, yes and Richard too. It was great to see and hear you Richard. Do it more!

Bill (looking forward to Rog's tour)

SHOW REVIEW - April 16th

By BD contributor, Rabi Chakraborty

I was amazed – just not amazed by what David and Richard and rest of the them played, but by my 12 year old son went soaked into the music. What can I say – maybe I need to live longer and wait till the full Floyd plays someday, but so what? I saw 50% of the 100% Floyd yet it was more than 100% Floyd show I could ever imagine.

Others have written what was heard, so let me not repeat all that. The audio at paramount was not tuned the best for such kind of intense music yet we all were on our feet. David and team got a standing ovation from start to end.

After 3 long hours it seemed like “10 years have gone behind us…” and how I wish David you were still here for us for ever. If echoes sounded like mystic, whom I couldn’t tell if this is new or old Pink Floyd, comfortably numb seemed magical – the woman beside me was in tears – she wept silently, maybe I heard the echoes. I just touched and felt my distant memories, when I was 30 years younger. For those who made it last night and will make it again tonight – they will live, rest will regret and live.

SHOW REVIEW - April 17th

By BD contributor, William Buckley

100 years ago tonight Enrico Caruso sang "Carmen" at the Tivoli Opera House. The reviews from the show claimed that he "woke up the house on his first phrase." Tonight David Gilmour and his band did the same thing.

From the opening heartbeats of "Breathe" through the new album the band played ferociously. The second set brought a surprise in "Arnold Layne" and the youthful exuberance of "Fat Old Sun." "Echoes" was a standout.

One Hundred years ago we were brought to our knees by a powerful earthquake that changed the landscape of a city. Last night we were brought to our knees by an amazing display of crystalline music, a powerful light show, and some of the smartest, most powerful songs to ever be recorded.

It was an amazing concert played at a loud volume, yet every note was clear as a bell.

What I just witnessed was as good as the Roger Waters show from 1999. Unfortunately we will probably never see these forces unite.

All in all a great experience that will live on for the next 100 years.

SHOW REVIEW - April 17th

By BD contributor, Frank Graciano

AWESOME- TOTALLY AWESOME! I'm still trying to find the words to explain what I experienced last night in Oakland. I didnt think DG and his band could rock so hard and so loud! That's music from the an age long passed. I just feel SO lucky to have gotten a hold of some tickets when I did. You don't see/hear shows like that anymore. The Floyd stuff sounded GREAT! DG's new songs are cool and they really came ALIVE on stage.

Awesome show, beautiful and masterly done. Thank you!

SHOW REVIEW - April 17th

By BD contributor, Jeff Titus

Exceeded all my expectations! I have seen Pink Floyd on 3 tours... Animals ('77 Oakland), The Wall ('80 LA) and Division Bell ('94 Wash D.C.-RFK) and this was way, way up there with all of those shows.

The set list was almost exactly what was reported for yesterday's concert [with the main exception of Arnold Layne]. Without a doubt, Echoes was the highlight of the evening. Fog at their feet, lasers firing-off all over the venue... I felt like I was standing in the middle of Pompeii watching the band re-live their memories.

My wife had never seen a Pink Floyd show... I saw the setlist on your site before I went and got very excited, only to find that the show exceeded anything I could have hoped for!

Thank you David, Richard and the crew! I hope they come back. DO NOT MISS THIS SHOW.

SHOW REVIEW - April 17th

By BD contributor, David Stewart

Saw DG at Paramount Oakland. Great show, especially Echoes, Fat Old Sun, and the surprise of the night where they played Arnold Layne with Rick singing Syd's vocals. Echoes was a total trip as the crowd was basically quiet during the entire song, most probably in a trance form getting to hear the epic masterpiece for the first time live. Well worth the wait.

Didn't care too much for the first half, as I'm not a big fan of David's latest effort, but to each his own.

Crowd was well-behaved except for the few who insist on shouting or whistling toward the end of each song (why do they insist on doing this... it's so rude and classless). Dick Parry was also very good on sax througout. Last note: Rick's vocals were hard to hear in Wearing the Inside Out and I noticed him complaining to someone to relay that to the mixing board.

SHOW REVIEW - April 17th

By BD contributor, Steve

Since I have enjoyed reading the Set Lists in anticipation of the two nights of shows here in the San Francisco Bay Area (Oakland technically) I thought I would send a quick list for tonights show. [thanks Steve - invaluable help!]

Tonight's show which was the second I saw after a fantastic Easter Sunday show Sunday night, was another reworking of the set list from all previous shows. The band repeated the Breathe/Time/Breathe Reprise opening segment of Set 1 that they did for the first time on this tour Sunday night.

The Set 2 changes for tonight (Monday) were that they dropped "Wot's ...The Deal" and went straight from Shine On to Rick's lead vocal tune from Division Bell called Wearing The Inside Out. Then they did Fat Old Sun which started in it's regular fairly acoustic arrangement then went completely psychedelic electric jam that was well "epic" if I can find a decent word to describe it.

Then...they bust out Arnold Layne which was very cool and when done, David said that "we've never played that one before but it was the first song we recorded" referring to his band and The Floyd respectively.

This was as good as it get's for a David Gilmour / Rick Wright Floydian experience and also have to give well deserved credit to the fantastic Band of Non PF members including Phil Manzanera (Guitar - Roxy Music fans know who he is), Guy Pratt (Bass), Jon Carin (Keys - long time Pete Townshend session/touring musician), Dick Parry (Sax - i.e. Dark Side Of The Moon and Wish You Were Here session musician), and the new drummer whose name I can't recall [Steve DiStanislao] that had a lot of shoes to fill for Mr. Nick Mason and did an OUTSTANDING job!

Just my 2 cents from Northern California and thank you, thank you, thank you David, Rick, and Band!

SHOW REVIEW - April 17th

By BD contributor, Christopher

I got to see David last night and it was spectacular.

He started off with Breathe/Time/Breathe(reprise) and then went straight into On An Island. After a 15 minute intermission he came back with a powerful rendition of Shine On You Crazy Diamond. Then Rick Wright got to "Shine On" himself with Wearing The Inside Out. Then Came Fat Old Sun.

Then we got a HUGE surprise....ARNOLD LAYNE! They actually played Arnold Layne. The whole crowd went wild. After Arnold Layne came a nice version of Coming Back To Life then came what I feel to be the highlight of the show...Echoes.

Echoes came across perfect as far as I was concerned. I had always wondered how David got that wailing sound in the middle of Echoes and now I know after seeing him. They left the stage for a bit and the house lights were still off.

David and co. came back on stage and performed Wish You Were here and everybody in the audience sang. Lastly David performed the best song in the world...Comfortably Numb. Overall I give the show an 15 out of 10. This performance to me shows how much a musician David really is.

SHOW REVIEW - April 17th

By BD contributor, Monica Cranston

How many times have you gone to hear a band you love, and it is just “ok”, or a parody of its self?

Not going to happen with David Gilmour.

David Gilmour was a moment of true, 100% pure, art. His power and artistic skill took command of the room from his first note on his guitar to his last downward stroke. With complete control, he was able to fill the air with his melodic creations in a sensitive yet powerful way.

He is one of the few around that can overwhelm you with his guitar mastery without using any speed seductions. I hope it will not become a lost art. In an era of attention deficit producing sound and media frenzy, David gives one pause. Step back and listen to the sound. The notes. Every one of them is a moment unto itself. Gilmour is a “be-here-now” artist that commands you to loose yourself in the moment of luscious, slow, gifted melodies.

I cannot say the same for the Oakland audience which for the first half could not sit still. I know, I know, sooooooo excited or whatever.

But by the second half, he had them immobilized and mesmerized. The spell was cast, and may it stay.

SHOW REVIEW - April 17th

By BD contributor, Blaik Musolf

Just to give you a little background, my wife and I saw David Gilmour in 1984 (the year we got engaged) at the Kabuki Theater in San Francisco. He was touring on his About Face album and had Mick Ralphs with him on back up guitar. We ended up with our elbows on the stage (the good old days), and I proceeded to take a few rolls of film from about 6 feet away. David blew us away and we have been dedicated solo (and Pink Floyd) fans ever since. We almost changed the spelling of our son’s name Taylor to “Taylour”, as a “Gilmour” tribute. That didn’t happen, but Dave’s guitar technician has the last name Taylor, so it all works out somehow.

About the show, David Gilmour has such a subtle way of soothing and piercing in almost the same moment. I have listened to the new album at least a dozen times and was a little disappointed at first. I thought; not enough guitar, too mellow. After a thorough listening, I know this is just where David needs to be in his life. I now have these songs burned into my mind and they came alive on Monday night, April 17th at the Paramount.

He is a master of guitar tone, effect and note selection. After he had played about 6 different string instruments and the sax, I thought I would freak out if he pulled out a trombone or harp and started to jam. The band he has on tour is an excellent complement to what David wants to play. They accent him perfectly. Rick Wright on vocals and keyboard, Dick Parry ripping on Sax, Jon Carin on keyboards and slide, and of course the other supporting members.

The song selection was a surprise and a treat. I did not expect to hear songs from 5 decades and numerous albums. My wife and I could not believe it when we heard the first notes of Echoes, did I mention we named our Queensland Heeler dog “Echo” (now deceased) after the song? It seemed as though the played the entire album side, it took us back to Pompeii.

Some have suggested there could have been a “better” song selection; I say David performed in true Pink Floyd form, by promoting the new music and rarities, and not relying as much on the old hits. This is what they have always stood for and it is unique in music today. As it was so aptly stated in the opening lyrics of The Wall: ”is this not what you expected to see”...

The only regret I have about the show is that it over. I hope to see him again some day. Live on David, keep up the good work.

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