Concert starts: 8pm Address of venue: Calle 63 no. 57-71, Bogotá, Colombia. MAP Website: Tickets for this concert went on sale on February 8th at 0:01am, through the ticket agency
This site also has information, maps and recommendations.
Most of the Golden
(VIP) tickets were sold via internet in the dawn, and the morning of
February 8th found it quite difficult to get a Golden seat, due to the
great number of fans who are willing to buy tickets.
The box offices
opened at 10am, and very soon most of the platinum seats were sold. Our thanks to Ruben Martinez, Jorge Curtidor and Felipe Soto, who has also sent over a ticket scan (shown right), for their help.
WARNING - SPOILERS AHEAD! Following three successful nights in Mexico, thrilling the local audiences, Roger and his band moved the show lock, stock and barrel to Bogota, Colombia. Included were the new prism effect, and a children's choir appeared again for Another Brick in the Wall part 2, to a hugely appreciative crowd.
On their site, there is also a picture gallery with five great images from the concert. (Thanks to John for this info!) Below are two pictures showing the front and back of the (unofficial?) t-shirt that was on sale to commemorate this very special event, courtesy of BD's Elliot Tayman: ![]()
CONCERT PICTURES by BD contributers - click on each thumbnail to see the picture larger
CONCERT REVIEW - by BD contributer, Angie Lopez Ramos Since I woke up yesterday, I had a feeling that on March 9th I was going to feel like most of you guys and girls have felt at a Pink Floyd show, (David or Roger). I was nervous but happy and full of joy in my heart. My husband and I got ready, we went to pick up some friends, including Brenda and her boyfriend. Then we took a taxi to the Park. By the way, the city was filled by police officers because of the George Bush visit this Sunday, and we were pretty mad about that because the city was in chaos with a lot of traffic. Anyway, we got to Parque Simon Bolivar at 3:30 p.m. and we were very excited and giddy hehe. There were a lot of people in the "Preferencial" and "General" line ups. Thank God we had our "Golden" tickets so that was much better. We went into the line up for our seats and I was nervous because I had my cam on my breast (hehe, nice place to hide something) but nobody noticed my cam. We entered to the park after the police revisions (they're very paranoid here). Then, I just saw that I was going to be about 20 feet from the stage. I was like Oh my gosh!!! Anyway, I sat on my chair and we were just talking with Fer and Brenda. People were still coming, the total amount was 25.000 people. At 6 p.m. someone from the crew said that Chucho Merchán was not going to play because there was some delays so the show will have to start at 7:15 p.m. with Roger Waters. As a British, Roger Waters came out at 7:15 p.m. I was very nervous, as this was going to be the first Roger show in my whole life and my possibly the last one. Roger came out smiling, he was so excited. It made me cry to see him, really. All of the fans were screaming and showing him their arms like the hammers from the Wall, so happy we all were. Carol, PP, and Katie were happy also, Carol was smiling and so was Ian Ritchie. Roger was amazed how we were all singing along with him. That was in the Flesh. Then with "Mother" wow, everybody was singing, Roger still seemed to be a bit surprised, hearing everybody singing along with him. Nobody was expecting "Set the controls for the Heart of the Sun" the screen turns to dark and then we saw a fire movie image and then the screen showed images the Arnold Layne film and I already knew this because of my Pink Floyd Friends, hehe. Ian Ritchie's performance was truly amazing, he is a great musician, and he was smiling quite a lot during the concert. Roger was saying "Gracias" every moment, how cute and adorable he is. Then, "Shine On" came out, oh my God everybody was singing that to Syd, it was so emotional that I just started to cry, I dedicated that song to him last night, I was just looking at the screen, watching Syd's footage... Oh so beautiful he was...sorry emotional here. I sang that song like I've never sung it before, with tears in my eyes. It is so beautiful that Roger is paying a tribute to his friend. That's very emotional. And also, we saw a lot of bubbles in the sky, so nice! "Have a Cigar" great song, Roger was still smiling, so happy he was. In my honest opinion, I can say this: ROGER IS NOT LIP-SYNCING. I saw him from 20 feet away. He gives so much to HIS AUDIENCE, HE DOES. "Wish You Were Here"... oh so beautiful everybody singing and happy. Roger still smiling, he smiled for the entire concert. Wish You Were Here means so much to me, I loved listening and seeing it live, it was so beautiful. "Fletcher Memorial" was next, another wonderful song, It seemed that Roger thought that nobody knew that song maybe because The Final Cut isn't that popular here, but he was surprised, most people including me were singing to it. "Perfect Sense" was AWESOME, all of us still singing along with Roger and the girls, and he changed some lyrics for us in Colombia, but sadly I can't remember. But those words were referring to our political situation and the Bush visit. I believe Roger was very emotional with regard to Bush's upcoming visit and we were very overwhelmed with Roger's Perfect Sense. "Leaving Beirut", was the next song. Many people do not like Leaving Beirut very much, but if you lived in our country then maybe you would understand the REAL MEANING OF THAT SONG. When Roger said the part of "Oh George! Oh George! That Texas education must have fucked you up when you were very small", we stood up and screamed so loud that Roger smiled to us, because HE REALLY KNOWS WHAT WE FEEL ABOUT THAT. Every song was very emotional for me and very moving. Up next was "Sheep" Wow!!!!! Sheep just happens to be one of my favorite songs and I was on my feet, some people were asking me nicely to sit down, but I said NO WAY I'm not going to sit down I'm going to jump. So after the soft and gentle part of Sheep, I started to jump with Fer, we were the only ones in the center area, and I know that Roger saw us and he smiled!!! You can call me crazy but acted the way the music of Sheep made me feel in my musical soul. So WONDERFUL!!!!! I screamed so loud, and then everybody in the center stood up and screamed too. So cool!!!!! and then Mr. Piggy was in the Bogotá sky, WOW!!! he was right over top of our heads!!!! Wooohooo, AWESOME!!! Mr. Piggy's body said: "Legalize Drugs, No more guns, Bush is going to visit his farm Colombia, no walls for people, etc..." quite a lot was written on Mr. Piggy. The funny thing is that he wanted to be free so he left again; he escaped from Roger's hand. Hahahaha. 15 minutes break and then Dark Side of the Moon... Wow, the DSOTM 2nd set was unbelievable!!! The sound was incredible!!!!! I could feel all the sound in my chest and throughout my body. Roger kept smiling, every one of us sung the complete Dark Side of The Moon, everybody. The sounds during "On the Run" were HILARIOUS, I was lost in the screen images and sounds. During the DSOTM set there were a multitude of colors emanating from Roger's new DSOTM Prism laser effect. The Prism was truly wonderful. Like I said before, the sound was felt by my entire body and in fact I was lost in that sound and place for a short time. Anyway, the new laser oh my gosh!!! was truly a visual pleasure to see. I think the people at the back of the venue saw it much better. You can see the clear colors from the prism including the white light that enters inside the prism. UNBELIEVABLE!!!! Finally, when Roger played "Another Brick in the Wall" he invited little kids from a Bogotá foundation to be on stage with him. He told us that speaking in Spanish reading from a white piece of paper, how cute was seeing Roger trying to read in Spanish, he is a very SPECIAL HUMAN BEING, HE REALLY IS. Well, the kids went up on stage and then Roger said: "please welcome them" and everybody including him were clapping for them. They were pretty shy though. The song started, and also everybody once again was singing and Roger was still smiling. After that, Roger kissed the little singing girls on their cheeks and gave his hand to the young boys. How Cute! I wish I was one of them. Ok, the last part was very moving, Roger played "Vera, and "Bring The Boys Back Home" and I started to cry again because I had a thought about our Colombian soldiers and the little boys who had to take this way of life and fight for someone else's cause. That really breaks my heart everyday and Roger knows what our situation is. Then we came to the last song, "Comfortably Numb"... Since the beginning of the song, we were singing with a lot of emotion, Roger was acknowledging this and smiling once again. He had a lot of fun and I know he was full of joy and happiness in his heart like everybody there. I just want to say that after this my life has changed quite a lot. My perspectives are focused and much more clear. They are telling me that I have to do something for this country and for all humanity. To Roger Waters, I don't care what happened in the past with your other Pink Floyd fellas, that is the past. I just know that YOU ARE A WONDERFUL AND TRULY AMAZING HUMAN BEING WHO THINKS ABOUT THE WORLD AND HUMAN KIND. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING ME HAPPY AND THE REST OF US here in Colombia... THANK YOU SO MUCH, TEARS OF EMOTION AND JOY are what I feel. YOU HAVE MADE A WOMAN HAPPY FOREVER AND ALWAYS. CONCERT REVIEW by BD contributer, Daniel Silva
Last night Roger Waters set a new standard for concerts in Bogota. This city had never seen a spectacle of such magnitude. We rarely get any big, world-famous bands here, and when they do come by for a visit they usually bring a really good, however simple show. Roger Waters just threw that custom out the window. First of all, I need to mention the quality of the sound, the 360 degree sound made it feel like you were in the middle of the stage, music coming from every direction, it was amazing, not to mention crystal-clear. The setlist remained as it had been so far. The anticipation before the show was tremendous, when Roger finally came out the 20.000 people in the crowd went nuts, he just came out smiling and walked all around the stage, it was very exciting. The first part of the show was great, it included included cool light work, pyrotecnics, strong political content, also a lot of really cool videos. The giant screen at the back of the stage displayed all sorts of different videos, matching the music to each song and carrying a general story throughout. At the end of the first set the pig came out, with some political commentary on it, the crowd loved it, it hovered overhead during Sheep and finally flew to the skies. It was really great, particularly the sheer power of every chord during "In the Flesh", the beautiful story behind "Leaving Beirut", the solos during "Shine on" and of course the pig. After the 15 minute break the band came back for DSOTM, during "Speak to me" and "On the Run" you could REALLY feel the 360 degree sound, it was fantastic. The whole performance DSOTM was beautiful, the music, the lighting and a 3-D laser proyection of the album-cover prism made it great. Personally I loved Time (one of my Pink Floyd absolute faves), Any Colour you Like was sheer insanity in lighting and video and Eclipse was so powerful I thought Roger was just going to burst. Finally, we came to the encores, Roger brought out a small group of under-privileged kids from an inner-city school for Another Brick part 2, which was really touching. He closed with Comfortably Numb and a birthday salute to author and national celebrity Gabriel García Márquez (although he slightly slipped the last name). It was the biggest concert ever in Bogotá. I hope we get to see shows half as a good as this in the future. THANK YOU ROGER!! THANK YOU!!! CONCERT REVIEW by BD contributer, Carolina Peña I don't know if there are words enough to describe what happened at Bogotá on last friday but I will try to do it. There was magic in the air and for more than three hours everything sems to be in place. Roger Waters and his band gave us the best concert we have had in years. It started around 7:15 with the hand raising the glass and changing the radio station, then out of nowhere In the Flesh started and people went crazy. It was unbelivable and something I am sure no one in this city expected to see in their entire lives. Then it was one great song after another... from Mother, The Final Cut, Shine on your crazy diamond through the entire Dark Side of the Moon... The sound was perfect. The stage and the images on the background were surreal. And when the pig came out during Sheep that was it. It had political statements about our country and the visit of Bush (which was on sunday) and it said at one side "Libres al fin" (free at last) and also "el miedo construye paredes" (fear builds walls), which I am sure must have said in all places. At the end, it was released in the sky and I still wonder where it might be. The songs were all there... I was shaking with Wish You Were Here and people went crazy with The Fletcher Memorial Home and I personally loved Leaving Beirut. During Another Brick in the Wall, Roger called (with not a very good spanish) some children from a school of Bogotá and it was very cool. It finished with Comfortably Numb and I can't think of a better way to finish. Oh, at the end he also said "Feliz Cumpleaños para el gran escritor Gabriel Marcia Garces" (Happy Birthday to the great writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez), we knew what he meant but he didn't say the last names right, it was cute though. Everything was like a dream come true so I guess that all I can say now is thank you Roger for coming and giving us one great, amazing and unforgettable night. CONCERT REVIEW by BD contributer, Juan Carlos Jimenez Oh! My god! I can't believe it... it was "the happiest day of our lives"... what a fantastic show...what a sound! Everybody talks about the lyrics, the politics and all that RW includes in his shows, however, nobody talks about his great perfomance playing the bass guitar, wow! I will remember for the rest of my life how Roger and DK were iluminated during ANY COLOUR YOU LIKE solo, and the bass guitar in TIME, SHEEP, SHINE, HAVE A CIGAR, COMFORTABLY NUMB, etc.. I was greatly surprised in LEAVING BEIRUT for the AF guitar solo and the sax, not totally registered in the studio session, I prefer the live version. There was the pig, but no spaceman... There was no guitar at the beginning of SHINE ON. Quisiera escribir algo en español porque mi inglés es muy pobre....quiero darle las gracias a todos los que hicieron posible que Roger Waters viniera a un pais con una imagen tan deteriorada en el resto del mundo como Colombia (qué equivocados están), y hacernos tan felices durante 3 horas que parecieron como 5 minutos. Thank you very much. We love Roger. CONCERT REVIEW by BD contributer, Ruben Andrés Martínez Roger Waters tour reached Bogota . After being announced on 2006, fans could see the show, which was reviewed by some media as "one of the most important concerts in Colombia in the last years". And it is with no surprise that this show has already marked a milestone on the show business in Colombia, as well as in the social, cultural and musical life of the country.
The previous days: The venue was Parque Metropolitano Simon Bolivar (Simon Bolivar's metropolitan Park) just in the heart of Bogota. A huge park with plenty of room, created for the recreation of the citizens. This park has a lake, and many facilities for recreations. It is already a symbol of the city, and is renowned by hosting the "Rock al Parque – Rock to the park" festival each year by October. Most of the people were Colombian, from Bogota, Medellin, Cali, Sogamoso, and other cities. There were also people who came from Venezuela, several people from Ecuador and Panama, and there were also many foreign (European) visitors who hadn't seen Waters before and took the opportunity of seeing him in this city. It was funny and bizarre to see some people wearing Division Bell and Pulse T-shirts in a Roger Waters concert.
The entrance: The final sound check could be heard, and it helped to create a better environment. Money, and Us And Them, were amongst the songs that could be heard during the sound check. The doors were finally opened at about 4:15 pm. Golden and Platinum tickets had a quite elegant treatment. The security people were friendly (however, lighters were confiscated due to the city's security regulations for public shows). Preference and General tickets had another experience: security was more strict, and even belts were confiscated (this is a practice originated in the Rock al Parque festival, and is aimed at avoiding any injuries in case any fight arises – however, no fights happened during the show at all). As in most of the concerts anywhere: no food, no drinks and no alcoholic beverages were admitted. Photo and video cameras were not allowed.
The pre-concert minutes:
Merchandise: After the concert, most people complained that there was no official merchandise available to the rest of the people, since Preference and General audience didn't have the chance to buy anything. Unofficial merchandise (T-shirts and stickers) were sold the previous weeks in certain traditional bars in Bogota. Those t-shirts, although professionally crafted, were quite different to the official ones. However, they are very interesting to see since they depict both UK and Colombian flags in the front with the words "Roger Waters Southamerican Tour – Bogotá Colombia", and a South American map (including Central America) drawn with bricks in the back, having a brick removed from each city where a concert is dated (Mexico, Bogota, Lima, Santiago, Buenos Aires), all in black cloth with white bricks and the traditional Wall/Scarfe lettering with the names of the cities.
The opening show: Certainly, the opening show was not the main interest in the minds of anybody going to see Roger Waters. However, it is important to notice that many people were curious about hearing live one of the musical legends in the rock scene from Colombia nowadays: Chucho Merchan is a renowned musician that has been playing from many years with his own band, and has being a session musician and musical producer to Mike Oldfield, Sinead O'Connor, Lou Reed, Bob Geldof, Eurythmics, The Who, and we can also remember him as part of David Gilmour's band in 2001-2002.
Roger Waters show: The sound quality was excellent, and the films projected on the back wall of the stage were of the highest visual quality ever seen in Colombia. Two lateral screens helped to complement the visual part. (It is worth noting here that I found that the sound quality of the concert was poor for the Preference and General audience during the first part of the concert. When DSOTM started the sound problem had been corrected.) As for the general and preference viewers, big screens were scattered allowing them to see the highlights of the show, there were at least six different cameras used to focus the musicians and sometimes the people. However, none of the main film sequences during the first part and the encore, and only some of the films supporting Dark Side of the Moon were projected on their screens. The song set was unchanged, and there were no big surprises. "In the flesh" opened violently with a set of fireworks, and was a perfect opening for the show, since nobody could stand on their seats. Then there was a lot of charmed Pink Floyd memories with excellent performances of the beloved SOYCD, HAC, and WYWH. The fear of assisting to a concert where Roger Waters and some other musicians just played Pink Floyd covers was lost from the very beginning: it was a faithful recreation of the original Pink Floyd Sound (not only in the music, but in the visual part of the show). The remembrance of the old days' oil slides was beautifully achieved during the performance of "Set the Controls..."
Sheep: Bogota's grandson of Algie was brought to the scene in the middle of Sheep. To our big surprise, it had ALL of the messages written in Spanish. We'd seen pictures of the other's countries pigs with most of the messages being written in English, but this was not the case. The pig had the following messages written on it: "El Terror construye muros – Fear creates walls", "Legalizar las drogas –legalize drugs" "Bogota, marzo 9 de 2007" , "no más guerra –no more war", "El patron Bush visita el rancho Colombia – Chief Bush visits Ranch Colombia" (Bush visited Colombia just 2 days after Roger Waters Concert). Under the belly, Algie had written "Libre al fin – Free at last" (this was in singular in Spanish, and is not "Libres" –plural-), and as if excrement from Algie's rear below its tail, the dripping letters read "Bush". A nice detail was the drawing (near the heart of the pig) of an AK-47 fusil on a circle with a diagonal line over it, just like a prohibition sign. As can be seen, all messages were closely related to the reality of the country. Some minutes after the pig was released to fly over Bogota (it went westwards and reached a considerable altitude, being followed by a spotlight), a plane could be seen reaching the sky having taken off from Bogota's Airport which was some kilometers away. It is quite improbable that the crew or the passengers of the plane could see anything from the pig given it was already far away, but it was a curious coincidence that reminded of the original Algie's legendary flight in 1977 and the supposed vision of it by a commercial pilot.
Roger Waters songs: Perfect Sense was another highlight of the concert, with a sound and its accompanying film stressing the deep feeling of the song. Leaving Beirut was the least known song. However, hardcore Water fans chanted it with deep feeling. This is by far one of the most beautiful songs Roger Waters had ever written, and the way he sang it was very intimate.
Dark Side of the Moon: The biggest surprise was to have the pyramidal laser structure with the white laser on one side and the iris lasers on the other side re-creating live what is the greatest icon of all Pink Floyd artwork. It was more than a spiritual experience being touched by that iris.
Encore: Waters greeting to Colombia's Literature Nobel Prize Gabriel Garcia Marquez (whose birthday was on March 6th) was also applauded with recognition despite the fact that Roger mispronounced the last names of our writer.
Exit: The exit process was criticized for being unorganized and turbulent. All the people used the same door to exit, and this created confusion and a tumultuous flow of people. However, no injuries were reported.
After the concert: The media reported this was one of the best and most important concerts ever staged in Colombia. And surely it will be quite difficult to outdo such quality presented in Roger Waters' show. The press reports were not detailed, but gave a general good idea of how the concert went. The local authorities and the citizens have not complained about anything negative, since there were no problems of any kind involving the people who went to the show. Many people from Preference and General complained that they could hardly see anything of the show (since the park is pretty flat for the most part), and the sound quality was not the best either (see above). CONCERT REVIEW - by BD contributer, Andres Passo Esto es una breve descripción de los hechos. Llegamos de Cali a Bogota 7 guerreros del rock a eso de las 10:300 am, y a eso de las 5:00 pm entramos al sitio donde seria la batalla con un legendario de todos los tiempos. Después de tratar de conseguir armas para la batalla (camisetas oficiales, bebidas y pasabocas) entramos al ring. Muy bien ubicados, a unos 30 mt del escenario, veiamos un telon de muy buen colorido. El raider de sonido me hacia presagiar que algo importante iba a suceder, pues los este estaba ubicado alrededor de la silletería, estilo home teather (adelante , lateralmente y atrás a nuestras espaldas). Musica de tom petty suena en el ambiente durante 30 o 40 min. Pruebas de luces (muy pocas), pruebas de sonidos (no se escucha, pues los monitores son de oido), prueban un laser , pobre en mi opinión (hasta el momento). LA gente sigue entrando. Mi esposa con gran expectativa, pues primera vez que va a un concierto de camisetas negras, “pelos largos” olor a ciertas yerbas (especias), ella esta entrenada pues vio algunos videos de floyd y waters, escucho algunos cd de floyd y waters y hasta yo mismo le conte algunas historias de los legendarios guerreros solo comparables en este momento con los rolling, los who y los beatles. En un instante el telon q muestra un viejo radio de dial, con una botella de whiskey un vaso un frasco de píldoras y un avion a escala y un soldado de plástico, aparece un humo de cigarrillo y entonces comprendemos que el telon es una pantalla de muy alta resolucion (LCD de 28x 16 m aprox). EL publico , entre ellos yo, grita , el humo en la pantalla sigue saliendo y aparece una mano cambiando el dial del radio, la musica de petty cambia a viejo rock n roll y suena maybelline, roll over bethoven y houndog de presley, vuel ve y aparece la mano y cambia a musica estilo mouline rouge, musica de la alemania de la segunda guerra mundial, entendiendo que ya va empezar la cosa. Se apagan las luces y el dial vuelve a cambiar y es entonces cuando se escucha la voz de waters gritando las arengas de In the Flash y ahí fue, cuando después de dos meses de espera y expectativa, aparece en el escenario mr. waters y su tropa, todo se vuelve realidad uno de mis idolos musicales esta en mi pais, no lo podiamos creer, el sonido atronador brutal espectacular sin dañar los oidos , el te golpeaba el pecho y de un momento a otro las luces, del escenario brotaba luz a chorros , juegos pirotecnicos del techo desdes abajo desde los lados, aquello era la locura, la emocion era inmensa, debo reconocer que de mis ojos se escapron algunas lagrimas, la piel se pone de gallina y empieza lo que recordaremos por siempre. Después de in the flesh , sigue mother (mother do you think …..), la gente se sienta a escuhcar a floyd en senal de respeto y como debe ser un concierto de estos. Sin perderse detalle de la musica, de la escena, de las luces y ahí es cuando el sonido se dispara el gran home teather empieza a mostrar sus ventajas. Suena Set the controls , eso era apoteosico imágenes en el “telon” de barret, manson, wrigth, waters (floyd en sus inicios). Sigue wish you where here, shine on you crazy (para mi de las mejores interpretadas), después animals pigs y sheep que arranca con sonido surround, las ovejas los perros y cerdos suenan a nuestra espalda, eso es la locura total, pues hasta las ubicaciones mas baratas tenian el sonido delirante, esto era como ponerse los audifonos en las orejas y cerrar los ojos para que el sonido le de vueltas en la cabeza a uno. Ojo al solo de guitarras (snowy white y el otro guitarrista cuyo nombre no me acuerdo pero era algo polaco y era el puntero principal, que solo tan bueno). Sale el cerdito con frases contra la visita de bush a colombia, frases como el patron bush viene a visitar la finca colombiana, eso era la locura. Siguen temas tan soberbios de los distintos albumnes de floyd incluido the final cut (the memorial fletcher home) , the pros and cons of hitchhiking, amused to death (perfect sense brutal con pp arnold cantando, que voces), en Australia salia un astronauta desde arriba aquí no lo hicieron, una cancion que saco en un single llamada leaving Beirut, donde andrew fairwater se sobra en interpretación , que guitarreo tan brutal, imágenes en caricaturas brutales, mensaje politico al fin y al cabo, imágenes de bush , sadam, hitler, etc. Hay un intermedio y después “welcome to the machine”, arranca Dark side of the moon , ya sin voz trataba de gritar pero era imposible , empieza el latido del corazon y vuelven a salirme lagrimitas de los ojos, la piel de gallina, no…….. Se lo tocaron todito el cd las nueve canciones de las cuales resalto momentos impresionantes. Las monedas de Money sonaron por todo lado, el corazon golpeaba fuerte en nuestros pechos, los relojes se oian por toda bogota. El coro de the great gig in the sky de rick wright fue apoteosico, monumental indescriptible, en la pantalla aparece la imagen de ella con rayos y centellas en fondo purpura….no hay palabras. El concierto va terminando y todavía falta un as bajo la manga, y ahí entendi para que era el laser incipiente que vimos probar al comienzo, pues sale el prisma de dark side of the moon igualito en laser desde el techo del escenarios, eso nos remato. Al final despedida y el publico corea waters, floyd y cinco minutos depuse vuelven a aparecer, rematan con another brick in the wall, y vera lyn. En another brick presenta a un coro de niños de una fundacion para ninos pobres en Colombia y ahí vi a varios soltando gotas por los ojos, hey teacher leave the kids alone, después is there anybody out………there………….. y luego vera vera what have you done……. Luego despedida con grandes aplausos durante unos diez minutos y después todo en el recuerdo. Mi esposa al final sin palabras, espero que el concepto de que todo concierto de rock esta con drogas y peleas se la haya borrado. Espero lo entiendan pues no hay mas palabras para describir lo algo que nunca se olvidara y que nunca más lo volveremos a ver en Colombia. Al dia siguiente ...... paulina rubio con coti.... deprimente para llorar de rabia. Fin……………. |
Last Updated ( Thursday, 12 April 2007 ) |