Official Pink Floyd 2025 Calendar now available
Written by Matt   
Tuesday, 03 September 2024
2025 Official Pink Floyd Calendar - Front2025 Official Pink Floyd Calendar - Back

As we're now in the final quarter of 2024, it's that time of year available to buy is the Official Pink Floyd 2025 Calendar! As with this year's edition, it covers sixteen months, running from September 2024, through to December 2025.

It's a perennial Floyd fan favourite - particularly as a gift at Christmas time. An item which has been produced for many years now, and designed for use hanging on walls, the standardised format is roughly the same size as a vinyl album - roughly 12" (or 30cm) square, with the calendar opening up to have a double page spread per month.

The calendar this year is a celebration of the band's 1975 release, Wish You Were Here - which of course will be celebrating its 50th anniversary - via various images, record sleeves, and suchlike.

The images here show all twelve images (September 2024 to January 2025 seems to be accompanied by the classic album cover shot), along with the front cover.

The calendar each year is often squirrelled away as a collectable for the years to come, and earlier examples are now quite sought after.

As we participate in their affiliate programme, ordering any item after entering Amazon through our links helps with BD's ongoing running costs, and we really appreciate it. You can order the calendar from, Amazon UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain. You can also order from