Steve O'Rourke giving up motor racing
Written by Matt   
Monday, 10 February 2003

The following extract from Daily Sports brings the very sad news that Steve O'Rourke is having to give up racing due to health concerns:

It is with a degree of sadness that we have to report that Steve O'Rourke has had a medical examination and a slight heart problem has been detected - which means that his racing career is effectively over. He and Tim Sugden had planned a return to the FIA GT Championship this year, with the EMKA Porsche - one of the most developed of the breed.

Tim Sugden has been O'Rourke's partner since 1996, and expressed the opinion that "Steve epitomised the spirit of the gentleman racer: he ran a superb team, he treated everyone extremely well, and he loved his racing - perhaps more the historics than anything else. We were going to have a very good year together..."

We at Brain Damage echo these comments; we've enjoyed many race meetings watching Steve and will miss seeing him going "ten tenths". Our thanks to Matthew Barlow for passing this news to us.