Nick Mason: "Inside Out" French book signings news |
Written by Matt | |
Thursday, 24 February 2005 | |
Nick Mason's great new book "Inside Out - A Personal History Of Pink Floyd" is selling well in various countries, and is now available in France. To coincide with this, Nick will be visiting Paris between March 9th and 11th, to promote it. In particular, he will be signing copies of the book, shown to the right and retitled "Pink Floyd: L'Histoire Selon Nick Mason" for the French market, at the Champs-Elysées branch of the Virgin Megastore, on March 9th at 6pm. Many people sent us emails following the UK book signing sessions, with everyone having had a great time, and were knocked out at Nick's generosity and good humour at the events. This one-off event is likely to be incredibly popular - so if you intend seeing him at the store, please be early! If you attend the signing, please let us know. As we get confirmed information on Nick's other activities in Paris, we'll let you know. We also hope to bring you information on Nick travelling further afield soon. If you want to get hold of the book before the signing, so that Nick can answer any questions you might have about the band after reading the book, or are unable to attend but still want the book, it can be purchased at a good price from Amazon in France. |