More Guy Pratt live dates
Written by Matt   
Thursday, 05 July 2007

guy_prattOur friend Guy Pratt has lined up more dates as part of his hilarious "My Bass and Other Animals" tour, coinciding with the release of his fantastic book of the same name - with Guy performing shows in Ireland and Scotland!

The book, and the show, gives a warts'n'all look at his life on the road and in the studio, including much on his work with David Gilmour and Pink Floyd over the years.

my_bass_cover Those who have seen Guy's "My Bass And Other Animals" show will know how hilarious it is, taking the audience through his musical history, involving such luminaries as Madonna, David Crosby, Michael Jackson and David Bowie, alongside sections on life with Pink Floyd and David Gilmour.

The book itself gives much more indepth detail on many of the subjects covered in the show, and much more. Truly essential reading!

The dates and locations where you can catch Guy live, below. To order a copy of the "My Bass & Other Animals" book (at time of writing with a healthy discount), you can use the following special links: Amazon UK, Amazon Canada, Amazon Germany, or Amazon France.

Please note that all the Amazon stores will ship the book worldwide. Also, using our Amazon links helps with the running costs of the site and we really appreciate it!

Here's where and when you can catch his show:

12 July     Latitude Festival, Suffolk, England
27 July     Cuba, Galway, Ireland (Galway Arts Festival)
28 July     Iveagh Gardens Pavilion, Dublin, Ireland
20 - 25 August Underbelly, Edinburgh

The final six shows above are part of the hugely popular Edinburgh Festival, and each show is conveniently timed to start at 5:45pm. Tickets for all the above are now available and should sell quickly.

To give a taste of the show (and book), here's another clip of Guy in action, revealing what can happen when you fly with Jimmy Page: