Pink Floyd reunites - not for music, but for Gaza Freedom Flotilla
Written by Matt   
Saturday, 08 October 2016

In a brief, 47 word joint statement issued on Thursday, David Gilmour, Nick Mason and Roger Waters came back together - not musically, we are quick to add - to support some 13 international female pro-Palestinian activists, detained by Israeli military.

The statement read, in full:

    "Pink Floyd reunites to stand with the Women of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla"
    David Gilmour, Nick Mason and Roger Waters stand united in support of the Women of the Gaza Freedom Flotilla, and deplore their illegal arrest and detention in international waters by the Israeli Defence Force.
We've had a number of emails about this, in particular from those unsure or confused by the initial three words. The band members are NOT intending a concert, or new recording, together, although those for whom English isn't their first language may well have been confused by the start of the statement.